Meet Toby by blightygal

Meet Toby

This little cat came along to my neck of the woods about 9 days ago. We realised it was very young, so started to feed him because I saw him tearing open neighbours bin bags and eating a paper napkin..
Sadly too timid to scan for a chip (we got bites and swipes when we tried!) but he was smart enough to stay where he was for the food until I could get some help, living on next doors shed, hiding in the overhanging tree branches. Talking to neighbours, found out that about a month ago a lady noticed him sleeping in her car engine.

So, post out on social media, got in touch with a rescue centre to put him on a long waiting list for rehoming but luckily we tracked the owner.

So the kitty, Toby, went missing from a few miles away about 6 weeks ago. He was 8 months old when he got lost, bless. Presume he hitched a lift in a car to my neck of the woods!

He is owned by a very nice young man, who although loves his cat, had no idea how to look after one. He also didn't have much money, fair enough, so through my friend in Cats protection, he agreed for her to get him snipped and I offered to pay for his chip, vaccine & worm and flea treatment. Toby had it all done yesterday and my friend and I took him back to his cat dad a few hours later with toys and catfood, a carrier and a covered litter tray. It was so nice to see this timid cat meow his head off upon seeing his dad and home, and go around rubbing against him and the whole flat he lived in!

Hope Toby and his dad get on alright!
Aah cutie, what a star you are! Hoping it all works out for them both.
May 28th, 2023  
@boxplayer He's the fourth cat I've helped out in the last few years. My neighbour feeds foxes, so I think the strays & losts are attracted to the area.
May 28th, 2023  
Oh what a soul sister you are! I cannot let anything go hungry! This is an incredible story and amazing that you were able to put the pieces back together! Toby's owner must be over the moon, and I hope they share a happy lifetime together, evenings spent with Toby recounting his travel adventures through cuddles and purrs!
June 18th, 2023  
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