Hand-pulling incorrect items off the lightning-fast conveyor belt by blueberry1222

Hand-pulling incorrect items off the lightning-fast conveyor belt

So, the next window into the recycling plant tour had visitors look on the workers hand-pull non-recyclable items from the fast-moving conveyor belt. This was super interesting to watch. You'd be amazed at what people try to pass off as being recycle. (i.e. stuffed animals, plastic bags, lawn chairs, etc)

We learned that Phoenix, AZ recycles just about anything, including all types of plastic (except plastic bags.) I learned LOTS by watching this process. True confession: I was starting to believe the urban legend that the recycling trucks disposed their contents at the dump! I heard about the tour from a recycling plant representative that hosted a table at a garden show at the local library. I signed up immediately.

ps....I enjoyed everyone's comments yesterday! Such a fascinating topic!
That’s a hard job.
October 25th, 2023  
Great photo! It shows that that conveyor belt is going very fast indeed!
October 25th, 2023  
Such an amazing capture, that must be one tough job!
October 26th, 2023  
A great reason for seeing how it is done. Awareness of what NOT to put in your recycle bin.
October 26th, 2023  
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