Destination Buffalo by bruni

Destination Buffalo

This picture is from yesterday when Hans and I took a trip to Buffalo. we had an appointment round 9 am to pick something up, so we left real early in the morning but still didn't beat the rush hour. while we were there, I thought we might do some cross border shopping. nothing much to write home about. coming home the traffic was horrendous. it was stop and go in both directions. in the middle of the 401 in Toronto we had enough and got off the highway to battle city traffic instead. it was late at night when we finally arrived home.
that is too many red tail lights for me..I hate hate hate traffic, glad you made it home ok =)
September 18th, 2013  
That`s what we call a : File. I try always to avoid it by the time of traveling .For example , when I visit my sister I never leaf before 19.00 hours. It have/make no sense to get earlier , you`re stop by the traffic.
September 18th, 2013  
Well captured
September 18th, 2013  
Don't you just love traffic like that?
September 19th, 2013  
Lovely capture of this Traffic scene Bruni
September 19th, 2013  
I absolutely love this shot, Bruni. It's just so different and I love the way the colorful lane designation lights compliment the taillights from the cars. Tellya one thing, I would NOT want to be in that line :-)
September 19th, 2013  
Oh my. Rush hour traffic that does not rush at all. It does make a good candid photo.
September 19th, 2013  
Nice shot, Bruni. We were in some traffic yesterday on our way towards the City but not like yours and got lucky coming home as it slowed but got better and was about rush hour traffic. We got home late as well and had a late dinner.
September 20th, 2013  
Nice shot, Bruni.... Next time instead of going to Buffalo, go to the state next door to New York (the one between NY and NH!!). You need a passport or some special ID to get across the border now, right? How long did it take you to get to Buffalo? I'm curious because maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle some day as my long distance driving is extremely limited. I do like how you captured how busy it is in the morning. That must be madness getting to work in the morning!!
September 20th, 2013  
My older son lives about an hour from Buffalo! But it doesn't sound like a quick trip for you. Sorry about the traffic- but it's everywhere!
September 20th, 2013  
Bev. I don't think it's meant to be at the moment. I googled some distances. from home to Toronto we know it takes us about 1 hour. we made Buffalo in 3..that's not too bad. from Toronto to New York is 6 - 7 plus the one hour from here to Toronto. it would probably be the same give or take an extra hour to Vermont. maybe some day if we take a vacation by car and are in the vicinity we might drop by. this picture btw was not traffic on the highways but standing in line at the border. and yes we get across with just our Canadian Passport.
September 20th, 2013  
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