Well, I've been going past the end of our motorhome and under the carport (Terry-port, because FIL had a Terry 5th wheel and the associated carport) and a small bird would just have a screaming fit that I was out there. Normally, there was a robin's nest in the rafters, but nothing was to be seen. So, as I went out to get a sausage/cider press that we have had hidden in the shed, I went out toward the rear of the motorhome and saw a leaf hanging out of the air intake vent. What was there to see? Something that a small bird would raise a stink about if you go too near. Guess moving the MH is not going to happen for a while, might even have to get a new air filter.
""The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes…""
— Arthur Conan Doyle
“The Hound of the Baskervilles”