Autumn Stuff by carole_sandford

Autumn Stuff

Some conkers I picked up recently, when snapping a 365 picture. The outer casings have now turned brown, which I quite like. I know the leaf is a bit of an interloper & is from a differnt tree, but it had blown in the conservatory door & I thought why not use it as a contrast to the dark conkers.
Nice on black.
October 4th, 2017  
The stray leaf works perfectly, a lovely shot
October 5th, 2017  
I really like this!
October 5th, 2017  
Nicely done.
October 5th, 2017  
Conkers, a brand new word for me. Are they the seed pods of a tree? Great capture!
October 5th, 2017  
really lovely shades of brown, and the textures are super!
October 5th, 2017  
Great capture, love the colour, textures & lines...
October 5th, 2017  
What a lovely composition. The deep dark browns are gorgeous
October 5th, 2017  
@ludwigsdiana @suzanne234 @kwind @milaniet @koalagardens @happysnaps @phil_sandford thank you for your comments & favs.
@louannwarren Conkers are what we call the fruit of the Horse Chestnut tree, it’s most probably slang! Lol
October 5th, 2017  
@carole_sandford Ahh, well they are cool looking!
October 5th, 2017  
I was wondering how you ended up with conkers from a maple tree! I do love the things. Loved playing the game with knotted strings as a kid. Always loved the shininess of the conker and the prickliness of its case.
October 5th, 2017  
@casablanca thanks for commenting, children do seem to be drawn to them , my granddaughters being no exception!
October 5th, 2017  
Lovely browns. Gorgeous
October 7th, 2017  
@ludwigsdiana @suzanne234 @kwind @milaniet @louannwarren @phil_sandford
Thanks everyone for your comments & favs & for getting this to the pp.
October 9th, 2017  
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