Bulrushes by carolmw


Many thanks for all your views,comments and favs,always much appreciated.
Lovely image
November 27th, 2018  
Ah, is that what people mean by bullrushes? I always call them cattails
November 27th, 2018  
Lovely shot and pretty tones.
November 27th, 2018  
A beautiful sharp and clear shot with a great dof - lovely !
November 27th, 2018  
It’s a while since I’ve seen a bulrush, these have a lovely reddish hue & I love the little bits of fluff!
November 27th, 2018  
Lovely capture fv!
November 27th, 2018  
Love them when they're about to explode!
November 27th, 2018  
Nicely captured.
November 27th, 2018  
Terrific :)
November 27th, 2018  
Really pretty.
November 27th, 2018  
Terrific shot
November 27th, 2018  
November 28th, 2018  
Very pretty image Carol. fav!
November 28th, 2018  
November 28th, 2018  
Great composition and colours.
November 28th, 2018  
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