NF-SOOC day 3. So far, I am really enjoying this challenge. It certainly makes one think a little harder when making the exposure. For this one I carefully chose an exposure that would leave some detail in the clouds with out turning the building into a silhouette. Ordinarily I would have just let the dynamic range of the RAW file take care of that. The windows of this building are tinted blue so I chose the Acros b&w film simulation with yellow filter in my Fuji camera. A yellow filter blocks blue light and in the film days was commonly used in b&w photography to make clouds really pop out by darkening the blue sky. In this case it had the desired effect on the blue windows without darkening the frames. I could have done that in Silver Efex but it is quite satisfying to do it in camera. I still feel the urge to tinker a little in post but I'm resisting it.