Free As a Bird by cdcook48

Free As a Bird

I wish I could crop out the No Parking sign that intrudes on the left but, of course, not allowed during September SOOC. I did take a couple of others that were framed more carefully but this is the only one with the bird in it.

For info on September SOOC:
A cool image certainly the ones behind the fence and razor wire aren’t free
September 7th, 2023  
That is what most of the buildings and fields look like here, unless they have an electric fence. Nicely captured.
September 7th, 2023  
Very neat image. I think the no parking sign would have added to the photo. Precisely because of the interdiction and the barbed wire and fence and the freedom of the bird.
September 7th, 2023  
Beautiful irony
September 7th, 2023  
Wonderful picture even with the sign
September 7th, 2023  
September 7th, 2023  
The irony of the pairing wasn't lost on me!
September 7th, 2023  
Great b&w capturing the irony of freedom.
September 7th, 2023  
Great shot!
September 7th, 2023  
Well captured
September 8th, 2023  
I like the POV, parking sign and all!
September 8th, 2023  
Good timing.
September 8th, 2023  
The bird makes the picture, so glad you chose this one.
September 8th, 2023  
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