Attack of the Ants! by cheriseinsocal

Attack of the Ants!

Every summer (and winter for that matter) I get a terrible infestation of ANTS. I can be laying in bed and have them crawling on me (no, I have not been eating Fig Newtons in bed again!), sitting in the bathroom doing my, um, business, surfing the internet or trying to find something in the kitchen to eat.

The ants you see above are happily eating "Terro Brand Ant Killer" that supposedly they take back to their home and it kills off the whole colony. I call baloney on this, although after feeding my new pets for a few days, they will seem to be gone for good... that is, until I find a scout out looking for a drink of water, or a piece of cat food that Groucho Kitty may have dropped on the floor; then suddenly, they are back, and this time they come in DROVES.

The few ants you see in this photograph are nothing compared to what is running amuck in my kitchen at the moment. Why, just snapping this photograph allowed 5 ants (or they could have been uncles, it's so hard to tell these days) to hitch a ride on my camera and strap, which of course gave them free range to give me the creepy crawlies all over my body.

So, since I've been completely freaked out for the day, I thought I'd share with you my latest infestation.

Wanna come over for dinner?
Uh, thank you, but no. The circle of ants is kind of cool though.
July 21st, 2011  
I just looked - there is still a circle of ants "eating" the poison... you would have thought they would have sucked it all up by now... hopefully by the end of the day it (and they) will be gone!
July 21st, 2011  
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