We Love our New Playhouse! by cheriseinsocal

We Love our New Playhouse!

This year, after fostering a few kittens from the animal shelter where I work, we decided to adopt two adorable cats: Romeo, the black and white tuxedo kitty and Muffin (or as we call her, Muffin Butter), the grey tabby cat. After a (rather long) trip to IKEA, we came home with this nifty blue contraption that is supposed to house children's toys, but in my mind, was a perfect house/climbing structure for our new "kids". Instantly the cats climbed into this neat hanging structure and after pushing each other like they were in a swing, they both decided they wanted to share the same small bottom level. Here you see Romeo hanging out while Muffin kicks back in her new cozy spot. These kittens are a kick for sure!
They seem to love the new toy, they look so cute! Great photo.
September 12th, 2013  
Thank you June ~ there are 6 "tiers" and only Muffin has climbed to the top and sat inside; we think Romeo is too chubby at almost 7 lbs!!
September 12th, 2013  
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