Just a memory by cjwhite

Just a memory

Yesterday's snow.
Awesome shot
February 27th, 2015  
I like the layers, pretty winter image.
February 27th, 2015  
As pretty as winter gets.
February 27th, 2015  
February 27th, 2015  
Lovely winter shot
February 28th, 2015  
Somehow everything looks so peaceful covered in snow!
February 28th, 2015  
This is a lovely scenery,I like the Silo's in the back ground.
February 28th, 2015  
Lovely B&W.
February 28th, 2015  
I don't think ours will be a memory for at least another month.
February 28th, 2015  
Beautiful scene
February 28th, 2015  
Nice shot. You're lucky it's a memory. You should see the photos I posted today. I think we will still have piles of snow in August!!
March 1st, 2015  
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