I've set myself a challenge for this year (as well as finishing my 365 project!). I'm going to run 1,000 miles to raise funds for Strathcarron Hospice (a hospice local to my home). It's the equivalent of running from the hospice in Central Scotland to a small town on the south-west coast of France. I will be blogging about my progress on 1000milerun.tumblr.com and donations can be made to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Emma-Mckie1 if you would like to support the cause.
This first run was colder than I expect the others to be (by about 20 degrees!) but I managed a decent 3.5 miles.
Critique/suggestions welcomed for any of my shots. I want to improve so appreciate any comments you have.
Edit: 28/3/23: It seems I'm not good at consistent...