This is not a Tiffany gift.... by cocobella

This is not a Tiffany gift....

...just some octopuses pie from Paradiso, the best "maker" in Sète. These octopuses pies are called "tielles" in French. The recipe comes from Naples in Italy and has been brought by Italian migrants centuries ago, it's made of octopuses, tomatoes and oignons, it's really good and a speciality of Sète. As we had family coming for dinner tonight I bought 5, but I didn't eat them as I'm gluten intolerant! Too bad for me....I have just smell them!
Oh, poor you, missing out on this treat... at least the packaging was a feast for your eyes. Hoping to pass through Sète in September so I must look up Paradiso on the net to be sure of finding it.
July 30th, 2015  
@vignouse in fact there are several tielles shops pretending they are the best or the oldest....but on my opinion this is the best : my grand parents, my parents always went to that one and they taste my childhood ;) I hope you will enjoy, if you need any tips when you will be around, feel free to ask!i won't be there anymore in September but I can give you some addresses !
July 30th, 2015  
@cocobella Thanks Corinne - we shall be passing through in our camping car en route for the Drôme to see friends so it will be a 'visite éclair' but these sound too good to miss.
July 30th, 2015  
I bet you could have eaten everything inside, and skipped the pastry part....sounds delicious!! I am a pretty adventurous eater, but have never had octopus pie, and it sounds like it would be worth looking for it!!
July 30th, 2015  
Looks delicious! I really enjoy how you are exchanging octopus pie recipes on 365. What a delightful place this is. :)
July 30th, 2015  
@panthora that's what I've done with a little leftover piece ;) because the best is inside !
July 30th, 2015  
@vignouse so you will have time to buy it: that's good !
July 30th, 2015  
@rosiekerr it's one of 365project aspect I like a lot !
July 30th, 2015  
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