Me.  by cocobella


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Just to remind me my face the first day of “liberty” after two months of lockdown in Switzerland.
Things are not 100% back to normal : only primary schools are open, some shops, museums and restaurants.
We still are not allowed to quit the Swiss territory, I live at 10 km from the French and German borders but I can’t go without a specific reason as work or medical emergency’s ok for me.
If things are getting better Swiss authorities said that we’ll be allowed to go Germany/ France/Austria ( but not Italy) after the 15th of June.
So for my first day of liberty I’ve decided to meet with a good friend to have a lunch then go to see an exhibition.
So this is me in my lift , I was done with my laundry and cleaning stuff... and ready to escape my home sweet home !
The restaurant we were had take off 2/3 of its tables and chairs to be able to respect the social distancing of two meters. First We had to use the hydro alcohol at the entrance then we had to read their menu via their app on our phones (they don’t want us to manipulate too many things ) then we had to fill a formular with our names, email addresses and phone numbers so they could reach us in case somebody declare symptoms of covid...
So it was quite an adventure but I was happy to see my friend !
We were the only clients of that restaurant that is usually crowded .... we talked a bit with the owner who was quite upset not to see more people ...
Then we have been to a museum to see an exhibition : same procedure with desinfection of our hands, and visit of the exhibition via an app on our phone... the museum was totally empty too.
Then I’ve been to some shops to try to find some funny decoration for the next birthday of Alix who is going to turn 18 at the end of the month.
I'm commenting anyway, kiddo. You are lovely and so trim! Happy to know you are well and doing what you can to stay that way.
May 13th, 2020  
be extra vigilant if you are going out and stay safe
May 13th, 2020  
@marlboromaam @koalagardens thanks ladies, I forgot to mention : mask and 2meters distance outside !;)
Hope you’re safe too !
May 14th, 2020  
Nice to see your selfie. you look wonderful, Corinne. take your time and I know you follow the rules. stay safe.
May 14th, 2020  
Nice selfie. Things are just starting to open up here. But schools are closed until fall.
May 14th, 2020  
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you!

In New York, we have been able to shop for necessities and get take out from many restaurants ever since everything else has shut down, which has kept everyone here fairly calm, but I'm starting to wonder if schools are even going to reopen again in the fall- which is extra sad, as we just found out my son got into a bilingual English-French preK program for next year, so I really want him to get to go and be the only one in the family with a shot of ever achieving a decent French accent!
May 14th, 2020  
Nice to see your selfie! And lovely to hear that you were able to get out for some fun!
We are still in lock down in Oman and I expect that we will be for at least a couple more weeks.
May 14th, 2020  
@blackmutts sad for the kids ... my daughters are supposed to go to Barcelona for one and London For the other next September for their studies and I’m wonder when they will be able to go , in what conditions and if the classes will really start .... so many questions...and still no answer !
Stay safe in New York !
May 14th, 2020  
@bruni thanks Bruni, we are doing our best to stay safe, hope you’re doing well too !
May 14th, 2020  
@homeschoolmom thanks Lisa, sad situation for kids to live this ....
May 14th, 2020  
@ingrid01 thanks Ingrid, take care in Oman and wishing we will all go out safely from this odd situation !
May 14th, 2020  
You look great ☺️And happy
May 14th, 2020  
You are looking great Corinne. It is nice to have restrictions lifting even just a little bit
May 14th, 2020  
Corinne you look great and happy to be out and about. Great choice for your first day. It's not the same as it used to be but at least it's a start. As you heard from Brooke above that NY still has what they call "NY pause" which is a gentle way to say lockdown. Which I'm quite tired of! I'd love to do lunch with a friend and some shopping (not food shopping lol). Maybe in June☹
You enjoy!
May 14th, 2020  
@jb030958 "NY Pause" - I like it, I haven't heard it, maybe because I listen to podcasts instead of Cuomo's news announcements?- I have been developing all sorts of plans for how the museums and zoos can reopen safely so we go out and look at something that isn't food for a change... the experts should call for me for ideas:-)
May 14th, 2020  
@blackmutts hi Brooke where do you live in NY? We live in Wantagh in Nassau County
May 14th, 2020  
@jb030958 We live in the Upper East Side, and we’re pretty lucky that we can walk to a lot of different places. The weird irony is that since so many people go to the park when it’s nice, sometimes we have walked over to Times Square and that area Instead because we still need a walk, and no one is going there right now!
May 14th, 2020  
@jb030958 One of my friends is a librarian in Merrick, which looks near you!
May 14th, 2020  
May 14th, 2020  
@blackmutts yes Merrick is near me but the crazy thing is my sin and his family live on the UES! 87 and York! Are you talking about Carl Schurz Park??
May 14th, 2020  
@jb030958 Close! We live in the 60's, but we walk up to Carl Schurz a fair amount- and John Jay, the river walk in the area, and Central Park. All greats walks that always get pretty crowded every spring, and now that everywhere is closed, they feel even more packed! I have a theory if there were some other places open, it would be easier for us to spread out and not all be in the same park at the same time! (but I was joking before, I have no idea how to reopen anything safely!)
May 15th, 2020  
@blackmutts we've probably crossed paths at some time. I used to babysit for my grandkids 1 or 2x a week and take the LIRR and then the Q train to their apartment. Pushed them in the stroller MANY times in CSP and even over to Central Park. My daughter is a hair stylist who works on Madison and 75 (or 76 can't exactly remember) so i walk over there too.
Hope you are doing OK. I heard DiBlasio is opening more streets for predestination traffic! 👍
May 15th, 2020  
@jb030958 No doubt, especially since I also have small kids, so same world! I think they opened up the street around Carl Schurz Park, actually, but I haven't been able to get there before 7 pm to check it out (we usually go out later to avoid crowds) Hope you are safe too! My next "theme" is just NYC during this time, so you'll probably recognize the spots!
May 15th, 2020  
@blackmutts How old are your kids? I will check out your NYC series!
May 15th, 2020  
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