Dont laugh too hard - it's my hot-water bottle cover 😆 Having so much heat year round, I’ve got used to feeling hot - and when the temperatures go to about 24°C (about 75F) at night, I put on a pair of my husband’s socks, and use a hot water bottle, sometimes two.
But the fan is still on. We get so used to the white noise of the fan that it stays on, no matter how cool it gets.
@cocokinetic **sigh** Ever since menopause hit me, I sleep with ice packs. LOL! We just can't take anything above 75 degrees. I do sleep much better when it's cold outside though. =)
Dont laugh too hard - it's my hot-water bottle cover 😆 Having so much heat year round, I’ve got used to feeling hot - and when the temperatures go to about 24°C (about 75F) at night, I put on a pair of my husband’s socks, and use a hot water bottle, sometimes two.
But the fan is still on. We get so used to the white noise of the fan that it stays on, no matter how cool it gets.