Scrummy Soup by countrylassie

Scrummy Soup

It's a miserable wet and cold day here, I havn't ventured out not feeling inclined or inspired but was pleased that I managed to get the steam coming off my home made steaming minestrone soup
Looks delicious and wholesome.
March 20th, 2014  
And a good cook too!
March 20th, 2014  
Thank you @Becky and @Saxa
March 21st, 2014  
Description of the challenge Get Pushed:
Sign up, get paired with another 365er for the week. Browse through their album and assign them a challenge. Create a photo (or photos) based on the challenge that your partner assigned to you. Vote for your favorite entry at the end of the week. Challenge hosted by Northy (@northy).

This is the masterlist with all themes and competitions. It's a great way to learn and get your creativity going:
March 21st, 2014  
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