Solar Fountain by dailypix

Solar Fountain

I was pretty excited to try out the new solar fountain in one of our flower pots today. It's neat. the height of the spray depends on how much water you put in the bowl.

Because it's solar it only works in the sunlight. But super nice to see when you are relaxing on the deck.

A sincere thanks for your visits and comments, they are so much appreciated!
I have the same one! Only trouble is, my birdbath is so shallow that I can't have the spray high or all the water ends up gone in no time and soaked into the ground of the flowerbed...
June 5th, 2024  
@bjywamer yes it's definately something you have to experiment with. At first I had too much water in the small bowl and it went everywhere. But we just mostly use it when we are out on the deck so we add more water when needed. Seems to work okay now.
June 5th, 2024  
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