My City Rocks! by daisymiller

My City Rocks!

A group in my city has come up with an alternative to the game Pokemon Go. They hope that people can get some fun exercise playing this game. They are encouraging people to find rocks and paint them. Some of the rocks are beautiful. Some have inspirational sayings. Some are cute. People write the name of my city along with the word "Rock" on the back of the rock to show that the rock is part of this new game. The person applies sealer to each rock. Then, each rock is hidden somewhere in the city. Often, the rock is in plain sight. The person takes a picture of the rock with a cell phone and places the picture on the Rock Facebook page. A hint is given so people can find the rock. The finder is encouraged to hide the rock again and place a clue to the new hiding place on Facebook. If the finder really likes the rock, the rock may be kept.

P.S. I took this picture for a friend who found this rock on the steps to her work place and brought it home. She wants to place it among the flowers in her garden. She asked me to photograph the rock for her.
Should be called, "Rockemon'! This depends on whether you believe in FB! I do but a lot of my friends do not!
September 19th, 2016  
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