Fun on the beach by danette

Fun on the beach

Happy New Year to all!

Today's word is, appropriately, "fun". Given my level of stress lately, I didn't think there would be any fun to be had. There were vague plans to go to a concert with friends but I decided I couldn't handle it. Since I won't be able to walk the beach for several months, I knew that is where I wanted to go. The sun was setting and I saw a kiteboarder on the other side of pier. Before I got there, I saw these two boys skimboarding. I took a few of their photos when their mom walked up. They were visiting from Atlanta. The young man here is a diver and his college team was practicing out at the Coral Springs Aquatic Center. She was excited that I had a "real camera". She said by the time her camera fires, her son has already fallen. She encouraged me to take more. I got her email address and I just sent her 69 photos! What a great way to start my new year and I hope it will be the same for her.

The only thing I did with this photo was reduce the clarity. For some reason, I thought that enhanced the motion. The ocean was awesome and so blue this afternoon! It also gave me quite the opportunity to adjust settings with the diminishing light and extreme shades of brightness.
Great shot Danette! What a fun time it seems to be. So nice you were able to give that woman some picture memories. Sounds like you will be going thru a rough patch....hope things go as well as they can. Best Wishes for 2013.
January 1st, 2013  
Had to laugh....while you were posting this, I was posting my "fun" shot of a winter scene!
January 1st, 2013  
@lynnb Ha, Lynn, when I was taking the photo I was thinking of all the winter scenes being posted! It was a great deal of fun at the beach this evening. In just over 48 hours, I will be having surgery on my foot. It entitles me to a temporary handicap parking permit. :-( I am hoping all goes better than expected but there certainly will be no walking on the beach for 3 months!
January 1st, 2013  
What a nice way to close out the year... so sweet of you to send that Mom all those photos... I know she will treasure them, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them didn't end up on the young man's facebook page! I have a feeling these random acts of kindness are a norm for you! God bless you!
January 1st, 2013  
@calm Thanks for your kind words, Cathy. It's a blessing to meet others and touch their lives somehow. It isn't done often enough.
January 1st, 2013  
Wonderful beach shot -- one of my favorite places, sadly this part of Texas is a bit land-locked.

Wishing all the best for your surgery and recovery. I know it has to be difficult to face that, but hoping it ends up being better for you in the long run than leaving the issue unfixed.

How awesome of you to provide those pictures to that mom.

I have my fingers crossed for a successful surgery for you.
January 1st, 2013  
Great action shot.
January 1st, 2013  
Great shot, beautiful processing. Hope all goes well with the surgery.
January 4th, 2013  
A very interesting and funny shot! You are kind, Danette!
January 4th, 2013  
@ariel817 Thanks for all your nice wishes, Linda! Everything should be well for the next few days while I have this constant flow of novacaine. Trying not to overdo. Not happening!

@mittens Thanks, Marilyn!

@purdey Thanks so much, Sharon. Glad you liked the processing. Going outside the box is hard for me! Thanks for the well wishes. :-)

@anden The mom seemed to appreciate them!
January 5th, 2013  
Just remember.. not overdoing now will shorten needed recovery time! BEHAVE!!
January 5th, 2013  
@ariel817 I will do my best. I was only out about 2 hours. We have been trying to see this one house for two weeks and wouldn't you know that today was the only day we could see it. There must have been 6 buyers there with us. Now they want to see 2 more tomorrow. I am considering sending my husband!
January 5th, 2013  
Oh my goodness, well do be careful... your health is important!
January 5th, 2013  
A beautiful capture. I love the powdery effect and blue of the gorgeous sea. Great capture of motion as the boy runs along the shore and the pier stretching into the background is just fab. Excellent picture. fave.
January 5th, 2013  
@kandernob Thanks so much! Karen! You made my day!
January 5th, 2013  
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