We had a guest speaker at church tonight. The message was one everyone who struggles should hear:
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV)
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
@lynnb Yes, it was, Lynn. My foot has been such a struggle for me, yet this pastor is struggling with a terminal illness and he will leave a wife and 3 kids behind. What a great attitude he had! It takes him 45 minutes to get out of bed, but the first thing he does is praise God because he is awake!
Lovely words Danette and something I needed to read also. Have struggled all weekend with family issues which seem to consume me. Love the lighting in this shot also.
@worldbiking Amaya, I almost uploaded a different shot. This one is very tame. If you have time, check out our website at www.cbglades com. Very rocking!
@dreams I am sorry you are struggling but happy the words were appropriate. It's funny how my foot did not bother me one bit during the sermon. It will be online by Tuesday at www.cbglades.com if you want to listen. It was very powerful.
It amazing how many times the Lord has taught me lessons by bringing someone into my life that isn't as well off as I am. Those lessons in humility are hard to swallow sometimes, but they are always beneficial for building character!
@bkbinthecity Here is the link. It's usually up by Tuesday. The series is called "Stand". The pastor was Greg Rohlinger from AZ. http://cbglades.com/teachings/. It was a powerful message.
@skipt07 Since my surgery, I've had a hard time sitting, especially by later in the day. We attend the 6PM service. Not once did my foot bother me and I had been in a lot of pain earlier trying new things. I just sat there soaking up his message. We all have our burdens we bear and some people carry them better than I do!
@dreams I am sorry you are struggling but happy the words were appropriate. It's funny how my foot did not bother me one bit during the sermon. It will be online by Tuesday at www.cbglades.com if you want to listen. It was very powerful.
@henrir Thanks, Henri! It was a perfect ,essage.
@vesna0210 the Catholic priests cannot marry, but we don't have that view in Prodestant denominations. I am glad to have a family man lead our church.