Oooh I feel all warm and toasty already!! Just loving imagining I am there with the sun on my back watching the coconut floating in the warm water. No I am sitting with my coat on in the house with the wood burner going. I can but dream. Lovely by the way!
@snowflakes86 I was so happy to find the coconut today!
@lynnb Are you still singing the song? :-D
@pamknowler Thanks, Pam!
@billsouth It's a good Friday shot and I keep seeing all these snow shots, along with people being a little winter-weary!
@clmiller Thanks, Caren, that was the aim!
@anazad511 Thanks so much, Ana! Glad I took it this morning since it is now overcast.
@elisasaeter Thanks, Elisabeth!
@henrir That's what captured my attention.
@mittens Thanks, Marilyn!
@calm Thanks, Cathy. Had to work on lining it up with the coconut.
@bkbinthecity I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
@drewhuy Thanks, Drew. Thought it would be a good Friday choice. You know: weekend's here!! :-D
@skipt07 Maybe I can once I stop these meds!
@soboy5 Thanks, Danny!
@lindaagne365 Thanks very much, Linda.
@mjmaven I love the sun on water.
@janakamom Just as you get the song it is again! :-)
@dreams I hope it relaxed you for a moment anyway!