An extra element by darkhorse

An extra element

Yesterday, a professional photographer turned up at work to take pictures of some of the people far more important that me (in this context, people who could be put on the face of a brochure without frightening others off). He had a Canon camera with a very fancy looking optically stabilised lens on it, which got me thinking about how that works. In turn, this led me to think about what happens to all the lens elements in a camera lens, and what happens if you change the lens stack. So, I though an easy way to find out at one end is to add a lens element in the form of a magnifying glass. The results are pretty much as you would expect - massive chromatic aberration (which Darktable has done a sterling job of reducing) and extra detail, but effectively increasing the focal length. It's quite specific, but this might just be useful in some situations in the future, who knows?

For reference, this is my mouse. Yes, I know it needs cleaning. At least I do now.
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