Sun Insurance Fire Mark by davemockford

Sun Insurance Fire Mark

After the Great Fire of London in 1666 a great deal of thought was given to preventing another disaster of this magnitude. Also insurance companies sprung up offering to not only insure property, goods and chattels but also to provide a fire service. In the event of a fire the local fire engines from various companies would turn out and upon seeing the mark the insurers fireman would proceed to tackle the fire while the others stood by and watched. Thank goodness the Victorians were more enlightened and came up with the idea of municipal fire brigades which would extinguish anyone's fire.
Interesting, where is this one??
August 3rd, 2019  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond this one, along with a number of others, is in Castle Street, Portchester very near to the castle.
August 3rd, 2019  
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