high key sailing (critique welcome) by dianeburns

high key sailing (critique welcome)

I have never done a high key shot before, I would appreciate any advice. Don't know if this was the type of shot to even try high key? I am trying to learn so critique very welcome!! I have lost some detail while editing.

I am a bit disappointed because the colour looked okay on my laptop but looks different on my ipad.
The colour looks good to me, and I think this is a great subject for a high key shot! I would have decreased the exposure just a little bit to get more details in the boats/water, and then used the dodge tool on the sky but I think you did a great job. Fav for me!
May 18th, 2016  
@dishaparekh176 Thanks for the advice Disha, I see what you mean about the detail, is that on photoshop? I don't have photoshop, I think I better get it, I am pretty limited what I can do with free editing programs.
May 18th, 2016  
@dianeburns You can even do that on picmonkey :) In fact I find the picmonkey dodge tool easier to use than any of them :)
May 18th, 2016  
@dishaparekh176 Thanks Disha :)
May 18th, 2016  
I love this, excellent composition, but it is a bit too blown out for me. If you haven't got photoshop I am sure that with any free editing program you could just decrease the exposure slightly. Perhaps check out the histogram and reduce it that way, only ever so slightly though.
May 18th, 2016  
Super high key image
May 18th, 2016  
Great subject matter for high key! Love it!
May 18th, 2016  
I have never tried this...Your shot is delightful..
May 18th, 2016  
this is a fun shot; i love that you try lots of new processing..(i'm a big chicken)
May 18th, 2016  
This is cool! What a clever idea.
May 18th, 2016  
This is charming,you can use High key on any photo,Iuse it quite often you may have seen shots if you look through our shots fav fo this I love it :)
May 18th, 2016  
Love the subject for a high key approach - those who know much more than I do seem to have found some good suggestions - I wouldn't know how to get that extra detail but the suggestion makes sense.
May 18th, 2016  
I love the idea of this, with the colours of the sails just popping. The detail on the edges is lost a little, and I wonder if you could use a Clarity tool to define the edges just a bit?
May 18th, 2016  
I have never tried high key but I have learned a lot from reading these comments. It looks to me like you found a perfect subject for this processing! Fun shot! :-)
May 18th, 2016  
@888rachel Thank you for your advice Rachel, I understand exactly what you are saying except about the tool, I have very limited knowledge about editing programs. I better start learning more I think. Thanks again :)
May 18th, 2016  
I don't know anything about high key shots, but i thought it was a very eye catching, fun and colourful shot.
May 18th, 2016  
@amyk It's fun Amy, you should try it, what's there to lose! haha
May 18th, 2016  
Interesting result, not something I've tried.
May 18th, 2016  
Love your subject for this experiment. The sails look great.
May 18th, 2016  
I'm not too sure what high key is yet - not something I've tried, but this is a lovely shot. Very artistic and kinda like a painting rather than a photo.
May 18th, 2016  
I love it! Fav
May 18th, 2016  
I like it!
May 18th, 2016  
I must say, I like it the way it is. The charm of some high key shot, IMHO, is having to imagine some of the detail. Fav for me.
May 18th, 2016  
Maybe a little more detail for my taste, too, but subject matter is great. A fun shot
May 18th, 2016  
This is very cool. I had never heard of this technique before, so doing some google work now. You have amazing photos and processing, I don't know that you need photoshop.
May 19th, 2016  
I like this artistic rendering
May 19th, 2016  
This is so cool!!
May 21st, 2016  
This is seriously great! It's exactly the kind of shot I would do! ☺
May 24th, 2016  
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