When you run out of inspiration, what do you do?

July 16th, 2010
Writers have writer's block. Marathoners face The Wall. So I'm sure, as photography enthusiasts, some of you reached a point where you think all the photos you take are crap. I know I did and still do, many times. :)

What then, revives your creativity in times like these?

July 16th, 2010
Simple really, I just keep snapping away! I keep a camera with me at all times, which helps. I also look at lots - and I mean lots - of other photos, either here but usually on Flickr using the Explore tab.
July 16th, 2010
1) Look around your room
2) pick a random object
3) find the most interesting side
4) put it somewhere else
5) make a macro photo
July 16th, 2010
i get my family to give me a theme for my photo for that day!
July 16th, 2010
the same subject in all kinds of angles!! I tend to be very random and use random subjects, there has to be some potential in there somewhere we just have to find it with "the perfect angle". Once I have the shot I'm happy with from the whole lot that I had to take, it inspires me to want to get it like that from the very first one or two shots (and not hundreds lol)...
July 16th, 2010
i just take my camera and just start shooting. and i don't stop until i feel like i got a good photo.

I also get inspiration by looking at everyones photos.
July 16th, 2010
Um... I'll just take a break and do something I enjoy. Usually I'll go to malls or hang out with friends, but still bring my camera to take photos when I find something interesting. Or sometimes re-reading all the nice feedback I've received on my photos can help lifting mood too :)
July 16th, 2010
I look at other's pictures for inspiration and I find a change of location can help. I tend to shoot nature primarily so when I am hitting a wall, I go back inside and see what strikes me or I switch from my Nikon to my iPhone since it has cool apps that can make things feel different. A change of location usually does it for me though. =)
July 16th, 2010
Thanks for all your input. I just realized that there is no shortness of inspiration around, you just have to get laziness out of the way to actually find it. Maybe that's the number 1 hindrance to taking good photos. Step one should be: get off your butt and start shooting. :)
July 16th, 2010
If you're really out of inspiration you can pick a color and focus on it. You'll look around with an other eye and see "new" things to capture (red is pretty good, or yellow).
For exemple take a look at www.randomgotbeautiful.com. It's great inspiration...
July 16th, 2010
I follow quite a few folks so like others have said, I too get a lot of inspiration from them. I'm tagging them so I can keep track ( http://365project.org/tags/inspired-by). Beyond that, I've found music and favorite quotes inspirational as well. Lately too I have found it kind of fun to stick a lens on and forcing myself to be limited to it's limitations. Kind of forces you to look at things differently.
July 16th, 2010
I like to take out a pen and pad and just think up of as much as I can. Since my mind tends only cling on to a few good ideas at a time, it gives me an endless amount of space to brainstorm. I've gotten some of my best pictures that way. I've also done what Helene has mentioned. Working in themes can be a lot of fun to play around with. Another cool idea besides colors would be textures.
July 16th, 2010
My daily photos have to do with what mood I'm in and or what Ive be working on that day. Such as depressed, hungry, loved, randomness, happy, etc. then i look around for what expressed that feeling the most. I also try to take a boring shot and and do almost everything/anything to make it more appealing such as adding texture, angles, and playing with composition.
July 16th, 2010
I agree with Vikdaddy- I usually look on the at all the wonderful pictures on here, or other online sites. There are so many wonderful pictures out there that it doesn't usually take long to find inspiration somewhere.
July 16th, 2010
I was inspired by Matt Murata above, so I have marked some in my favorites that I am going to use for inspiration shots.
July 17th, 2010
Take a walk and look at the usual to see if you can find the unusual. Look for abstract shapes like the curve theme for this week.
July 17th, 2010
there are a few things that can be done ... but I like the idea of putting the camera aside and taking a walk and/or people watch (depending on your preference) WITHOUT the camera. Look at what is going on around you, listen, smell ... something will spark your interest/creativity.

You could also try playing with a photo that you think isn't the 'best', in one of the processing software applications that are available! I come from a graphic arts background, and what used to take hours can now be done in a matter of minutes, that is totally fascinating to me!

Hope this helps!
July 17th, 2010
I don't really know...

When I find I can't write [music] I listen to lots and lots of other people's music, and that can often inspire me to write more, and help get out of the "block"...

I've tried the same with photography, but it doesn't seem to work the same... Looking at other people's photographs, when I'm lacking inspiration, doesn't motivate me to take more pictures... It just leaves me sitting there, thinking "wow, I could never do that!"
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