Wow, I Never Knew It Was So Easy To Make Money At Photography

April 18th, 2012
"I’ve had a point and shoot since high school and love to play around at photography. The other day I picked up one of those camera specials at the big box store – you know, where it comes with a body and a lens all in one?
So I was thinking, I’m pretty good at photography, and because I haven’t had a raise in five years and my husband has been out of work for 18 months, I think I’ll make some money at it."

Continued ...
April 18th, 2012
Ha! I thought that was serious at first:)
April 18th, 2012
@pwallis --- ;-) It is serious. Building a business is serious work. There needs to be a plan and a realistic look at what it will take to make it work.
April 18th, 2012
To be honest though, as one of the commenter's said, these tongue n cheek articles written by "professionals" are getting really quite tiresome now. There is already enough elitest BS in photography, why add to it?
April 18th, 2012
@dmortega quite agree with it being serious work. I'm doing a gallery show at the moment and friends think it's all just "click click, roll in money!" - not realizing the amount I've spent in gear, processing time, shooting time, energy, framing, etc. I just thought she was serious about it all being "easy" at the start of the article.
April 18th, 2012
I knew it wasn't serious based on the discussion thread posted just before this one.
April 18th, 2012
Just as easy to make money at photography as it is to do Christmas Craft Shows, but do not calculate your hourly wage, you won't like it.

Good point, where is your business license? Insurance? travel mileage? When do you do all the paper work? Family, who are them?

I'll keep my day job, thank you.
April 18th, 2012
That was good. It definitely puts things in perspective; I know a few people who think it's all "point click" and hope for some good shots, but even as a hobby it can be a pretty fair amount of work.
I understand why these articles might be off putting to a novice, but, at least in my case, it helps bring me back down to earth. If you truly love it you can succeed; if you don't know what you're in for, you'll have a pretty hard time at it.
I actually fell into one of those traps pretty recently; not with photography, but I definitely overestimated how much work and time something like this can be.
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