Concert photographer Dan DeSlover found his work at the center of a debate regarding legalities

June 4th, 2012

Altercation at Alter Bridge
Writing by Stephanie Augello
Photos by Dan DeSlover/

This week, hard rock band Alter Bridge and their social media staff fueled a controversy over the use of a photograph by concert photographer Dan DeSlover from
June 4th, 2012
Such a big fuss over a lousy $75.00. I'm sure that band whould have no problem if somebody downloaded their music for free and used it elsewhere [rolls eyes]. I've always thought being a photographer was a nobel profession. I thought that before I became one, and I believe it even more now that I've become one. However, I have noticed that a lot of people don't share that opinion and think anyone can take a picture. Well, its true, anyone can point, shoot and click, but not everyone holding a camera is an artist. Not everyone knows how to edit a photo properly. Photographers don't always get the respect they deserve.

This band and their management never took into account how much money that photographer spent on his equipment, or how much time he spend editing that photo, or how much time and gas he squandered to arrive at that event to shoot it. I'm sure even at $75 the photographer would have taken a loss or at best made a few pennies.
June 4th, 2012
Oh wow. This is disgusting. I used to be a fan... Not so much anymore. Over 75 $. Pathetic.. The band should be ashamed.
June 4th, 2012
Anything to get free press. The Admin(s) of the website need to get a clue and an attitude check.
June 5th, 2012
wow that was a good read thanks for sharing!
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