Pricing Your Photography by Dan Bailey

August 31st, 2012
"he other day I heard from a Colorado photographer who needed stock photo pricing advice. An advertising agency had seen one of her wildlife images and wanted to use it in a campaign for a national brand.

They had apparently indicated to her that they would want a “total buyout” of the image, and so before their negotiation phone call, the photographer wanted to get an idea of what kind of price she should be looking at. In truth, she wasn’t so excited about the buyout idea, because as a biologist, she’d planned to use the image in a future book, and didn’t want to give away all rights.

I suggested that she ask a few questions, get specific ideas about how the client might use the image and get back to me when she had the answers. As I often do, I also advised her not to take the buyout. Buyouts are a lazy and vague way to negotiate, and more often than not, the term usually accompanies insultingly low price offers."

Continued ...
September 1st, 2012
Very interesting read (and the gall of some people!). Thanks for sharing :)
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