Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery

September 11th, 2012
Just watched a heartbreakingly beautiful and sad TED talk, so i thought i'd share. This speaks to the type of photographer i would like to be....seems a long way off. Contains difficult incredible images, in fact it made me cry. Thanks.
September 11th, 2012
This was unbelievably moving. Thank you for sharing.
September 11th, 2012
@brin Well worth sharing with this community on so many levels! Thanks!
September 11th, 2012
@grammyn @cheryllw thanks guys. this was super inspirational to me.
here is a gallery of some of the images if anybody doesn't wanna watch the video ...but it doesnt have anywhere near the same impact as the images with the story behind them as told by the photographer, not even close...which is an interesting idea in and of itself. How much power can an image truly have if you don't know the story behind it?
September 11th, 2012
wow. It's amazing what our media doesn't pay that much attention to. I had very little idea. Thanks for sharing.
September 11th, 2012
@brin - Wow Mark I'm speechless. The stories are unreal and the photography incredible.
September 11th, 2012
Thank you for posting this link. She has seen some heart-wrenching things and made a powerful presentation which does get you thinking.
September 11th, 2012
Thanks for sharing. Very moving. I have sent the link around our office to ensure more people are aware of what is happening in our world.
September 11th, 2012
@cheryllw @grammyn @vase @michaelelliott @aspada @k1w1 if anyone is on twitter its @lisakristine and like the facebook page at cheers guys. retweet something of hers to your friends :)
September 11th, 2012
The only way to do this type of photography is to put yourself in the situations that will get you out there photographing and telling the stories.

Miss Lisa Kristine is a great story teller. I can see why she would be on a TedTalk. Her pictures, although brilliant on their own, come alive with her stories. It made me think about the recent conversation here about how we view giving a title to our photos.

In this case, she is sharing the stories of these slaves. Would we know they are slaves without her story? I may suspect it but I wouldn't know for sure because I live here in the US. Without the stories they are up for interpetation. With her stories they are glimpses into the lives of real people living a life we have been privileged to avoid here.

This gets me wondering about our shopping habits around the world. On one hand we need to bring industry back into this country in order to put our people back to work. On the other hand, not supporting the work these people do will only force them to work more. I'm torn.
September 11th, 2012
@vase unfortunately carla they seem to be hypnotised by the size of kim kardashians ass. maybe her implants are a government plant to distract us from real problems in the world. this lady has 335 twitter followers and is doing incredible, beautiful, courageous work. kim has 16m+ and her last tweet was about the colour of her phone. what a world :(
September 23rd, 2012
What a heartrendring story. Lisa Kristine is not only a great photographer but also an excellent narrator. Her story pulls on your heartstrings. I didn't realize that slavery was this prevalent. we are so isolated from it here. thank you sharing this with us.
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