Sony Raises Camera Feats to New Level

September 23rd, 2010
David Pogue in the NY Times writes about "Sony’s new Alpha A55 camera, available in October ($850 with 3X zoom lens), It accepts any of Sony’s existing 33 Alpha lenses, but its radically different guts give it talents no other camera has had before."
September 24th, 2010
...this tech has been out for a few years, beginning with Olympus Pen. Panasonic do the best mirrorless SLRs in my opinion, and they're about 3 or 4 interations ahead of Sony.
September 24th, 2010
This is different than mirrorless cameras as it does have a mirror, but splits half the light to the viewfinder and half to the sensor (called a Pellicle mirror). But it's actually 1960's technology. Canon first used this technology in the Canon Pellix in 1965. They released the F-1n in 1972 that was able to shoot 9fps. The most popular camera with a pellicle mirror is the canon 1N-RS.

There are a few drawbacks with this technology. The biggest issue is you loose half your light. The ISO will have to be 1 stop higher on this camera to compensate for the lost light, making for noisy images. Ghosting can also occur in certain situations.

He's also incorrect about this A55 being the only camera that can shoot 10fps and focus between each shot. Both the Canon 1D-Mark IV, and the D3 can shoot 10fps and focus between each shot.

Here's a better review of the sony A55 --
September 24th, 2010
@sudweeks I stand corrected!
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