10 Ways To Help Break Photographer’s Block

November 5th, 2010

"As a writer, I understand writers block very well. When you sit down and start at the computer, wondering what your first sentence should be, nothing can be more frustrating.

The same can happen with photography. What do you do when your facing a new portrait session, and you can’t think of a single thing new to do with your client?

Let’s look at 10 ways to help you break photographer’s block."
November 5th, 2010
Very good ideas...I have often thought about what to do, and I have found that I can also find inspiration in other peoples photos....and yes there have been times when I left the camera at home, only to wish I had remembered to bring it with me.
November 5th, 2010
"1. Just shoot.
Instead of sitting around waiting for an idea to hit you, spend the next 30 minutes shooting. Shoot at least 30 images in that 30 minutes, and look for things around you that can build into the photograph."

This is my approach ... just shoot whatever is in front of me. Seems to help me. ;-)
November 5th, 2010
Go buy a new lens - it'll make you want to learn how to use it :)
November 5th, 2010
great article and ideas! thanks for sharing! i've bookmarked the website to go back and read through it too :)
November 5th, 2010
@rossco088 Haha, I'm guilty of this!! Definitely gets you out there, though, and makes you do some creative things if you get something like a telephoto or a wide angle lens.
November 8th, 2010
Read "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron!
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