How are the winning photos chosen for the theme contest?

January 23rd, 2011
Who votes on the winning photos for contest and themes?
January 23rd, 2011
we all vote on them.... My question is how do the pick the finalists for the themes.
January 23rd, 2011
how do we it done by just clicking on it therefore increasing the amount of views? I have no clue how to even vote or is the voting done once the finalist are choosen? somebody help us! lol
January 23rd, 2011
@matejaseliskar I`m pretty sure the final 5 are allways the 5 most voted ones...
January 23rd, 2011
No, the final five are chosen by Ross, the site's moderator.
January 23rd, 2011
When the five selections are made by Ross, he will post them and leave the voting open for 2 or 3 days. You'll see it posted as a topic on the right hand of the home page under the heading of something like Vote for Theme. The winning photo and the new theme (picked by the winner) are posted at the same time...again on the home page under the heading of Weekly Themes. (Bottom right hand column of the page).
The winner of last week's competition and the new theme for the coming week should be posted late today or early tomorrow.
Hope this all helps and that I haven't confused the issue. :)
January 23rd, 2011
Thank you all for the new to 365 and im super excited to really become involved. Not to mention its motivated me from shooting 2x a week to daily. This site has lots of potential.
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