Canon Kiss

January 6th, 2012
I recently became the owner of a canon kiss, I am in love with it. My issue is using the manual settings. Honestly I don't know much at all about photography but I am enjoying the quality my new camera produces. I have played with the manual settings at night and managed to get plenty of great pics, it's just day time use I am struggling with.. Any advice would be great.
January 6th, 2012
70% of my work i shoot in [P] "programme AE" this will set the exposue [shutter speed and aperture] also i can adjust the + & - stops. As for manual i only shoot in manual at a studio or at night time or if i want total control of what i am shooting.
Hope this is any help
January 6th, 2012
@simon0128 Thanks Simon :)
January 6th, 2012
i agree with simon, try having a play with one thing at a time, like the shutter speed. have a go at doing some fast shutter speed and catching motion, or going slower and get something moving really blurry!
having a play around with exposures too (like under exposing and over) can be pretty fun and help you find a daytime style you like. hope that kinda helps :)
January 6th, 2012
@grimbo Thanks Amy, you both have been very helpful :)
January 6th, 2012
It took me several months to get accustomed to manual but then one day I had a sudden revelation and it all made sense... Before that I shot in P, shutter priority and aperture priority a lot to learn specific things first. You can then check your exif info and see what the camera chooses. This gives you a hint at what works and a starting point for experimentation. But most of all: have fun ;)!
January 6th, 2012
@jannaellen Thanks Janna :) I will do that.... I think I need a photography note book :)
January 6th, 2012
@simplysnapped are you for real!!!!! I just looked through your photos and they are fantastic!!!!

Heck if you are having problems understanding your camera I can't wait to see what you can produce once you figure it out.....

I personally use AV 95% of the time so can I suggest you start there as I am sure once you figure it out you too will use it more than any other setting. - Looking at your photos you will love AV....

Keep up the fantastic work.
January 6th, 2012
@agima Thanks Brendan :D I have found a few useful photoshop tips on youtube, I don't have many sooc. Like a true beginner I want to learn everything now lol :) thanks for the compliment and advice :)
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