Child Candid Portrait - feedback sought

January 10th, 2012
So my wife and I updated the family camera from a 2004 cheap Kodak point and shoot digital to a mid range Nikon point and shoot just before Christmas. Since then I have been out every day getting shots of my son that I just wouldn't have dreamed possible on the old camera (I'm now itching for more control and looking into either another P&S with more manual options or an entry level DSLR).

At any rate, I would love some critiques on my project so far. I'm largely happy with how it is going, but I do want to get an idea of how more experienced photographers perceive them or how they would improve them. I'm aiming for candid portrait shots, that let me share my son, as I see him, with the world.
January 10th, 2012
Cool I will have a look, but for the love of everything that is good in the world.... Don't get another point and shoot... As you said yourself you want more control, get a DSLR. You will of course grow out of that also, but it will take you a lot longer and you will be able to play with all the other things before that happens.
January 10th, 2012
I think the shots so far are great! Love the candid shots of your son. I can already see your story falling into place! Definately get a DSLR if you can . I started with a Canon XTI and used it for 4 years. I just this past month bought a Canon 60D and love it. Good luck!
January 10th, 2012
As your son gets used to you always having the camera around you'll find it a lot easier to sneak the shots. The hardest thing I've had to deal with is kids that know what a camera is and pose then want to see the photo right away. Eventually they learn to start ignoring me.

Don't be afraid to leave parts out. Wheels and Wheels Deux are great since you only see part of the story.

I suggest the entry level slr over a large P&S. Having had both the shutter lag on a 'slr like' P&S is very frustrating, besides these days you can get an actual slr for the price of some P&S's. If you have a used camera store in your area you may find pretty good prices on second hand.
January 10th, 2012
One thing I've learned taking loads of pictures of my daughter over the last four years - just shoot. When you try to over think it too much with kids, you won't get what you want. I've gotten some of my best pictures, just shooting and see what came out on my card when I upload. A DSLR will help because of the faster response times. I'm spoiled with mine now when it comes to keeping up with my daughter.

My daughter also loves to bring me things to take pictures of. I'lll usually sneak photos while she's "setting" up for me. Or sneak pictures while she's coloring, ect.
January 10th, 2012
I just had a look. Great work, you are well on your way. :)

There were a couple of points but only very small things. Keep it up, you are doing a fantastic job.
January 10th, 2012
Thanks everyone for the feedback, very helpful and kind.
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