Amateur Photographer Looking For Any & All Critiques & Criticims

January 10th, 2012
Hi everyone. I starting getting into photography last year when my husband bought me my first DSLR for our wedding anniversary. Since then, I have become completely obsessed with it. I love absolutely everything about photography and throughly enjoy being able to capture moments that fly by all too fast.

I have been trolling all kinds of photog message boards for months trying to absorb all the knowledge I can about photography. However, I have never had the guts to post on any of them nor ask for CC until now. I am finally coming out of the woodwork and posting my photos for the world to see. If you get a chance, please stop by my project and view my photos. I am very interested to hear what others have to say. Thanks so much in advance!
January 10th, 2012
Heres a picture to start everyone off with =)
January 10th, 2012
OMG what a cute baby!! I love the DOF here as well!!
I love photography too but use a point and shoot. Hopefully one day I can get a fancy camera and lenses and such! Until then I will continue to rock my older discontinued Canon! LOL!
January 10th, 2012

Thanks for sharing your work -- I think you've got a great eye to start. :) Your son is absolutely adorable! Are you shooting in manual or auto focus? Love the DOF.

One of the best tips that I came across when I was starting out was "get closer." Also make sure to look for patterns -- they can be anything from repeating windows to dots to grains of wood to stripes. Let your imagination carry you, and keep on shooting!
January 10th, 2012
@positronicmommy Thank you! I had a P&S as well before I got my DSLR. I still have it with me at all times so I never miss a "picture perfect moment" lol! Its a lot easier to lug around than my DSLR. Keep on rocking your Canon!
@katkmp Thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate it! I try to always shoot in manual so I am forced to learn at all times. I tip about looking for patterns is great! I never really thought about doing that before. I'm excited to go out and shoot! Thanks again!
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