Requesting Critiques Please

January 14th, 2012
Please critique my photos please and I'll surely return the favor. Thanks in advance =D.
January 14th, 2012
@tandeezy If you tag your photos critique-me, or mention in your comments and profile that you welcome critique, people will do just that :)
January 14th, 2012
@minxymissk how do i post my photos on this blog? or link my post on to here? i just recently started.
January 14th, 2012
If you want to post photos on a discussion link, just copy the link in your "share" box next to the photo.
Labelling /Tagging your photo for critique will get your more comments though.
January 14th, 2012
Oh and if you want to gain more followers and comments, just participate in the threads, and get commenting on other people's photos. Use the browse link to find other people and comment on anything you like. That way you'll find people and they'll find you!
January 14th, 2012
@minxymissk thanks for the help i really appreciate it. If anymore questions come up, i'll let some one know =D.
January 14th, 2012

@minxymissk Thanks for everything =D
January 14th, 2012
Chris, All your photos so far all seem pretty similar and oriented towards product style. It would be great to see you get outside or try something different. The colors are all bright and the background is all white, but it seems to be lacking in the depth of interest. Also a great way to get feedback is to also follow others and comment and comment on their photos.
January 14th, 2012
@brumbe will do! Paula! comment, and comment, and comment other peoples pictures/artwork.
January 14th, 2012
The hat shot is nice and sharp and colorful. The rest all look flat, as Paula pointed out. Colors are desaturated and images are lacking in contrast, well most of them. They are also underexposed I think. The background is fairly grey, which could be your intent, but the brightest part of most of those images is nowhere near white. Some of the backgrounds also have a color cast to them (mostly blue). Not sure if that is your intent, might be fine. All your shots look like they could have been taken at the same time, under the same lighting conditions. Mix it up! Experiment some?

If you are taking product shots for a website, I'd say they're ok, if a little dark. But otherwise they're a bit bland. If you're going to take a picture of a lens cap, make it dramatic! Get real close, give it some interesting light or a background. Get you of the light tent and into the real world I say :)

It's your project, so what do you want to get out of it?
January 14th, 2012
great critique. i commend you. although it may look like i'm selling products, but all fairness, i'm not. I am just going for that look or style. I would love to buy the tent kit but i'm on a tight budget. I use an 18"x24" white piece of paper for my back drop. i used the paper on the bottom and the back. I should of box it in but that would mean i would have to make a custom box. (hmmm i might just do that =) )

Exposure wise, they're somewhat normal to over-expose. if it were under-expose my images would look more darkish than usual.

Close-ups I agree with. I see what you mean cause of all the open space which makes the item taken makes it look so bland.

I do have other pictures taken with my camera, but they are last years pictures. And it's somewhat impossible to replicate an exact pose. Every pictures taken will always be different.

The whole Product Theme is just a start-up for me to post up and get my feet wet in this 365Project and how things work. Eventually, I will step up my game in the whole photography. Cause I do love taking pictures.
January 14th, 2012
Chris, do you do any post-processing on your photos? You could turn the gray background to white using a curves adjustment.
January 14th, 2012
If you start to follow people then they will follow you back and critique will be given. But you have to give and take and not just wait for everybody to come running to you.
January 14th, 2012
@tandeezy Check out Lots of DIY photography stuff including several different versions of lightboxes.
January 14th, 2012
@shezza - i have tried that on some of my pictures. some of it disorients the main object. but i will have another go at it.

@jdonnelly - i understand. just like the "Field of Dreams". If you build it they will come, type deal. =) And yes I have begun following people. In fact i'll add you, too.

@shadesofgrey - i'll shall look into that web site.
January 14th, 2012
@tandeezy ...and I just added you.
January 14th, 2012
@tandeezy Cool. I've been experimenting with what works for me and what doesn't. Yes, some of the edits will have unintended results but then sometimes that's okay. Also using layers in PS or a local adjustment brush in LR can negate that problem.

For myself, I always try to get my images to pop, but that can be at the expense of realism at times.
January 14th, 2012
Since you posted this in critique, i'm going to be blunt.

Firstly, don't bother getting your feet wet, there's no wrong way to do 365 as it's all your own rules. just dive straight in. If you feel you can step up your game, just do it.

My biggest suggestion would be to get out of your room and get out of your house!!! If you're practicing technique, then fair enough. If you're trying to find your own look/style, you won't find it snapping random items that are lying in your immediate proximity. So far your you have shot a belt, post it notes, a lens cap, a remote control, a cap, a rubik's cube, a soft toy and a gameboy card. For anyone looking at these shots, there's really nothing interesting.

Don't be disheartened, when i first got my camera i did exactly what you did! I can tell you're very enthusiastic about photography, which is the most important ingredient IMO.

Anyway, good luck and happy snapping!!
January 15th, 2012
@shezza i would use PS. i have cs2 i'm just trying to do less editing work as possible. and let my photography do the work.

@scatochef none taken, i do agree in what you're saying. i have taken concert pictures and other interesting photo ops but they were taken last year. i'm just waiting for some events to happen or anything else. what ever spots that look good for me to shoot i'll take it.
January 16th, 2012

January 21st, 2012
January 25th, 2012
January 26th, 2012
@minxymissk thanks for telling us about the tag, I had no idea :)
February 15th, 2012
@minxymissk @brumbe @shezza @mikew @scatochef @shadesofgrey @lostwaveitb i have uploaded more pictures to view/critique. Not on this forum but in my account. I would like some inputs when you have the time. Thank you.
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