How am I doing?

January 14th, 2012
Hi, I'm Claire, and I am pretty new to 365. Before this project, I knew almost nothing about photography, except that I enjoyed it. Then, I got a new camera for Christmas and have been really trying to learn how to use it. I would just like a sense of whether or not I am doing things right...I can't tell if my pictures are technically correct, or if they would be improved by trying again and changing things. Also, I am not sure how my composition is at this point. I welcome critiques, have written that on my profile, and usually remember to tag my pictures with critique-me, but I still wonder whether people are just being nice or if my pictures are actually good quality.

Is there anyone more experienced than me willing to take a look and tell me how I am starting off? I would really appreciate it!

January 14th, 2012
As you have more followers then people you follow I would say you are doing ok.
January 14th, 2012
@jdonnelly Thanks!
January 14th, 2012
Follow more people comment on their shots and they will most likely comment on yours! Every project is different!
January 14th, 2012
Welcome Claire,
I think when we are new we all feel the same. I have been spending alot of time on 365 and its very inspiring. Ive been commenting on alot of photos and posting stuff in my extra folders and its been kind of slow going as far as getting followers. I am taking some photography classes too and like getting comments. They help to know if I am doing this right ecsp bc I have to turn in photos as projects. Good luck to you!
January 14th, 2012
I think you are definitely on the right track. I took a look at your album and I noticed that several pictures were under-exposed and the composition on just a few could be better, but I saw some nice photos too, so you are on the right track.

Definitely friend more people and when you post your pictures, if you truly want constructive criticism, ask for it and people will give it. I've learned a TON from CC and though CC stings sometimes, you really do grow from it.

The more you put into this group, the more you will get out of it. So jump right in and you will watch yourself grow.

January 14th, 2012
@moirab @sheg @jenp Thanks for the ideas and suggestions. I do try to comment as much as possible, having a busy schedule, and I agree that you get what you put into 365...Thanks for your CC, it is great, and I love all the advice I have gotten so far!!!

January 14th, 2012
Looks like you have a good eye, I agree with what has been said. Follow people, comment, ask questions about their image, etc. a comment on a photo like "ooh pretty!" is somewhat bland vs "nice shot, how did you get that silhouette?" which would help get a good learning conversation going. I am not saying you have to do that all the time, I often see images that are simply amazing and a simple compliment is all that is stated. Just a suggestion. Above all else, have fun, shoot often :)
January 15th, 2012
@svenskaflicka I will have a look through your photos now.
January 15th, 2012
@cchambers @agima Thank you for your time, and Chris thanks for the good advice!
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