Hey what do you guys think of my pictures?

January 15th, 2012
I'm using some of these in my portfolio to try to get an internship and I'm just wondering what you guys think of my pics and to see if there is any way I can improve
January 15th, 2012
Just like a resume, you should try to tailor your portfolio to the place you are trying to get a job/internship at. Having said that, IMO, a lot of what you have included thus far in your project looks to be candids and snapshots, which I would leave out. The strongest picture you have posted, in a portfolio sense, is Summer Fun. I'd go with shots of that caliber. Best of luck! :)
January 15th, 2012
I totally agree with @beautifulthing if you like I am more than happy to go through and comment on your photos?

I am feeling a little lost on what you are trying to get? Is the internship for what type of photography? Have you had any experience and/or training in the field?

The reason why I ask is the comments I will leave. i.e. If you are expecting to get a job as a portrait photographer and have a uni degree I will be much harsher than someone that just thinks they can get a job without any training or education.
January 15th, 2012
Your sports shorts are the strongest ones, but I'd beware of overprocessing them.
January 15th, 2012
I also agree with Shelly. I also would like to extend the idea of thinking outside the box a little. Try to create something of your own. Things, such as the "look at me behind the lens of the camera" thing, is so overdone, and is frankly, boring.

With that in mind, this is also inclusive of the infamous water drop shot, flowers, the dreaded obsession with bokeh, and the overuse of editing tools. Any artist can do those, to some degree.

Try doing things that are off the beaten path. Examine some of the basic rules (rule of thirds, angle, perspective, tilt, etc.) Practice those with unique subject matter, and take ownership of the image. Watch your hot spots. Digital does not yet seem to balance the zones as well as film does. Use editing wisely. Set yourself apart form the rest. And, most importantly, have fun!

Those who pursue this educationally also have to learn the hard way...film. Until you've really shot film and studied the properties and characteristics of film, others that have can blow you away. If you don't have one, I suggest getting one. Personally, I challenge myself with Medium format, with external metering. I also try to avoid flash unless necessary. Yes, outdoors, I wait for the light and use it to my advantage.

While these are only my opinion, and does not make me right, I will say that some are also the opinion of a friend of mine, that is an Art Director for a company.

Keep up the good work. As a note, I love the surf photo!
January 15th, 2012
@beautifulthing @agima @axel @cluvlj

Thanks a bunch for your replies, unfortunately, I was doing a lot of stuff on picture websites last night and got some mixed up! I definitely forgot that I haven't really uploaded my best work onto this site, although I still appreciate your criticism. If you have time, take a look at http://mjsather2000.500px.com/#/0 and let me know what you think. That is where I put most of my best stuff.

As far as what I'm interning for, it would be a photographer for a University doing school events and sports games.

Thanks again
January 15th, 2012
Some of the stuff in your portfolio gallery is really nice, but there are some that the processing is a little too much. Like the girl with the sunflowers - that's a cute picture, but over processed and the coloring is off. You need to watch blowing the highlights (the whites, especially) and in the flower picture, you've blown the red channel. I think you are off to a great start with it though - I'd really work on some technical stuff. In an internship like that, you really should check with them and see what kind of photography they are looking for - the sports shots look good. But in sports photography, they don't want to see any overly processed stuff. I would see what they expect in that portfolio and then design the portfolio around the internship they are looking for. It's always good to put in some PP stuff, but if you do, I would make sure it's not too off the wall and done well. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should always do it, know what i mean?

As for a portfolio, I do think it's important to put something up that is well rounded. But I would work on mostly technical - like a portrait with a good strong composition, nailing the focus, good skin tones, then move on to a sport shot, with clarity to the action, no blurring, to show you have the skills to take a fast moving picture, maybe a panning sports picture, a compositionally strong landscape, a candid, show a wide variety.

You are definitely on the right track though! Let us know how it goes and if you get the internship or not! Good Luck!
January 15th, 2012
@cluvlj Could NOT agree with your fourth paragraph more. :)
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