Lots of views... not so many comments...

January 20th, 2012
Hi folks!

I'm working my way through my first 365 project and seem to get lots of views but not so many comments (**I do get some lovely comments from the same people quite often which is fantastic and really encouraging**). I was wondering what sort of things make you want to leave a comment on a photo? Not all of my photos are great but I'm unsure of what attracts people to look in the first place as they seem to draw people in that far!

January 20th, 2012
Are you sharing on Facebook or somewhere else? Sometimes people share and those who are not members of the 365 typically comment on facebook but not on here. I try to comment if I find something interesting about the image.
January 20th, 2012
@kaustin Thanks! Yeah, I'm the same. I do tweet and share on facebook so maybe the views are high because non 365ers are looking! Good point! x
January 20th, 2012
I look a lot, and will view a photo b/c the thumbnail isn't very detailed for my old eyes. But, unless something really strikes me about the photo, I'd rather spend my time browsing then commenting. Don't know if that helps or not ....
January 20th, 2012
I at first thought the same thing, until I realized there are just so many great photos posted daily that it's impossible to comment on all of the one's I like. The same I'm sure applies to those who may drop in and view some of my pics as well. Can't take it personal. Just because someone looks at your photo and doesn't respond doesn't mean they disliked it at all.
January 20th, 2012
exactly what Dr. Evil... i mean, Cromwell just wrote. personally have a really hard time keeping up with everyone's pics and tend to just comment on ones that really strike my eye, and hopefully have time to go back at some point and catch ones i missed. it's really hard to keep up the more people you follow.

January 20th, 2012
@sweetmommyof3 @cromwell @grecican Thanks guys! This is helpful and reassuring.... plus it's making me more determined to try and catch your eye long enough to get you to comment :0) Thanks for replying! x
January 20th, 2012
i try to comment on EVERY photo i view. and i find one more person to follow each month. usually a newbie, since i am.
January 20th, 2012
@meiphotography I'll follow you, I probably comment way too much on peoples photos, you'll beg me to stop following you.
January 20th, 2012
well... i'm fairly new and mostly i just roam around a lot... if something catches my eye, i'll comment... and i'll look at what else that person has done, and if i like a lot of it, i'll probably follow them... if i like a picture here and there, i might fave it, and then check back a few days later to see what else they've done... i find that what i like to look at changes... i love landscapes, and neat technical stuff... i'm a bit iffy on macros, however... yes - it's really cool to look at those up close shots, and i do aspire to replicate some of them... but to some degree i think a good macro shot is as much about the camera as the photographer, and that doesn't interest me much... sorry - i'm rambling... what was the question? ;p
January 20th, 2012
For me, sometimes it's my mood! LOL! Sometimes I feel like I'm saying the same lame thing (need to improve my vocabulary? LOL!) so I just look admire and fave the ones I like the most without saying anything. I like comments as well, but after a while they all sound "standard." If something really catches my eye or is unique, I'll point it out but I often wonder if a simple "beautiful!" is appreciated or just seen as lip service.
January 20th, 2012
^^^ sorry,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,my computer is skipping today and I seem to have missed punctuation!
January 20th, 2012
i often reclick on a photo after I've looked once and commented - usually accidental as I try to get back to home page or something so I'm sure I add clicks that way. I have a lot of friends who view my pics but don't have their own project and are not signed on to comment here (or eventually get tossed off for not participating) - if you have the same situation that can up your non comment views. Often when I've just discovered someone, I click back through months and months of their photos, not taking time to comment on every one - another tic added with no comment. I'm sure there are lots of other reasons. I used to feel bad thinking people were looking at but not liking my pics well enough to say anything, then I realized all kinds of things can contribute to "views" besides that.
January 20th, 2012
@meiphotography I am not sure about others but I do comment whenever I look at someones photos and I hope they will do the same for me
January 20th, 2012
I like to comment on colorful pictures, about flowers and sometimes the anecdotes or short messages about the pictures done. :)
January 20th, 2012
@meiphotography Sharing on Twitter is worth masses of views and no comments. Just skip the share for a day or two and you'll see the difference.
January 20th, 2012
I must say a very interesting group of responses and very enlightening!

For me its a time thing. I have been here for 20 days and I follow over 230 people. I would love to comment on everyones photos but I don't have the time. What I tend to do is go through my list of photos and if I see someone that has not comments I WILL comment on them, just so they know at least someone is looking at their photos and give them encouragement to continue on through this journey.

I also like to get some engagement with the people I comment on, so I like to comment about personal things about their photo (i.e. thats cool I remember a time we had that happen, or very interesting photo, how did you do x) or technical issues about their photos.

For me this project is a journey and to be honest it will be hard for me, so I see if I can give out the love, I will get it back in spade when I am feeling low and if I have to give it out for months just to get me over the line ever so often then its worth the effort..... and to follow up on that, if my words help someone in their journey and help them to continue on then I feel like it is worth it.
January 20th, 2012
I look through my feed and through the latest, if I see a thumbnail that takes my interest I look , If the photo makes me go wow I comment sometimes if I don't know what to say but I know I like it I just leave a smiley face :) If The photo really pops at me I fave :)
January 20th, 2012
@tammeray @agima @eleanor @reaseludo @bkbinthecity @reba @scrappy @northy @neda @mamie I'm so grateful for the response to this thread. It's been really helpful to read your thoughts and I'm overwhelmed by how many of you also stopped by my project to take a look. Thanks so much! Your feedback is always welcome. I'll repay the favour!
January 20th, 2012
I try to comment on any photos I especially like, but when I come in on the end of a long list of responses I find it difficult to come up w/ a unique remark. I'm afraid anything I do say will be viewed as blah, blah, blah. If I don't like the photo I don't want to leave an insincere compliment to justify my viewing #.
January 21st, 2012
I know the feeling! I would LOVE to have more comments (good or bad) to let me know how I'm doing and where I still need to improve...
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