Need some critique/advice

January 28th, 2012
So last night I went out but it turned out there were not so many cars,because there were something like -10 degrees.I did some photos and this is one of them:

Is this something like a long exposure?If there would have been more cars,I would have caught more lights.
Could you please help me with some advices?Like,for example,for this kind of photos,I should stay somewhere up?
January 28th, 2012
Yes it is a long exposure, the white balance is also out.

What did you want to achieve?

January 28th, 2012
@agima I now I'm not even close,and she has a better camera,but something like this: This photo was also taken in my town,but in another place.And there were definetely more cars:D.Just for the record ,this was my first attempt
January 28th, 2012
This article might help :
Haven't really tried light-trails with my P&S yet (only by accident LOL) but am planning to do when the nights are a bit warmer ;-)
January 28th, 2012
I'm by no means an expert, but maybe find a bridge over a road somewhere so you can shoot down onto the road. Also may a slower shutter speed, not sure what the maximum your camera will do, this was my attempts at 30 seconds....

Colour one can be found here

January 28th, 2012
@michellina Your doing good.. as far as Long exposure your setting is correct... you only need to find a place where cars or other vehicle passby to capture light.
January 28th, 2012
A high vantage point definitely helps to get more dimension to the trails like @jasehoad said.

But you don't need to be higher. You can get creative effects if you use double decker buses for example.

Look at a tutorial on how to do it, and then experiment! But I do agree, its a bit cold nowadays =/
January 28th, 2012
Michelle you can also capture that look by driving in a car yourself- you would be moving the opposite direction of the lights/cars that you are photographing-
January 28th, 2012
We did one in the car last night ...

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