Advice Welcomed!!

January 30th, 2012
I just signed up for the project today and uploaded my first photo. I welcome your advice with open arms. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about my photos. Photography has been a love of mine for many years but I am just now rediscovering how much joy it truly brings me. I am a bit rusty and love learning new things. Please follow me, help me grow and learn as much as possible through out this journey. Thank you.
January 31st, 2012
Make sure you note 'critique me' on every photo you want constructive critiquing on. That's the only way people will know.
January 31st, 2012
I do like the close-up framing but I'm curios about a few things. For one how the original pic looks like; the exif info is gone so I'm guessing you've edited it. (Please correct me if i'm wrong) and if you did edit it, why? Do you use the auto settings on you camera, did you crop it while editing? Is the camera a P&S or a DSLR?? (I own a P&S myself, but saving for a dslr) How long do you have the camera (are you two "mates"?) I know a lot of questions... but please indulge me Heather ;-)
January 31st, 2012
@heatherwilsonaz welcome to the site, always happy to give some constructive criticism :)

If you upload photos that you have used "save as" it will pull the exif data as well so we can see more of your shooting details to help out with some pointers.
January 31st, 2012
@elke thanks for the response. so new to this so i am learning. i think i am responding just to you. The reason there is no info is...I posted it from my shutterfly account at work. I didn't take my original photo with me today and i wanted to get started. I did not crop it, that is how I took it. I shot it with a nikon d5000 in aperture priority mode at f16. I was going to edit it in iphoto, but when i opened levels they were pretty good so I didn't. I also just started using ps5 but did not for this photo. I have had my camera for a couple of years, but have just started really getting into taking artistic shots.
January 31st, 2012
The @ tags just give us a notice in our inbox that there's a comment directed at us but everyone can see what's said.
January 31st, 2012
haha...figured that one out after i saw my own reply... :) thanks. I appreciate the tips with the site as well. Pretty user friendly, but still learning how to find my way around. Enjoying it so far....there are some amazingly talented people here!
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