May Stop 365

March 30th, 2012
I've really been contemplating over a week or so about ending my 365 on this page. It's almost as if the expectations have gone up and my stuff isn't as liked as others anymore. I'm not getting the feedback I expect sometimes and I think that may be a little discouraging.
March 30th, 2012
Don't get discouraged! It seems like comments in general are way down right now. I think we're just in a lull... everyone getting busy with spring projects.
March 30th, 2012
Jessica, I am in the same boat, I really don't have time either to upload every day and I know my shots have got worse over the weeks.
I also have noticed it is not as busy as it was on here, I think everyone's comments are down. Stick with it and I am sure it will get busier.
March 30th, 2012
Don't give up! the new year boom is over and reality is kicking in so things are calming down. I don't get to comment every day but I do make sure I set aside a couple of hours at some point in the week to catch up, I quit not long ago and lost my 400 followers and my pics. I only just started again and I can tell you from experience that you'll miss it if you go and always think what if I had stayed.

That said I am heading on over to spam your pics LOL jks but I'll follow you :)
March 30th, 2012
While its always nice to get a commet (ANY comment!) for your work, I'm usually satisfied that my pics get a lot of views. I figure if someone took the time to stop and look at one of my shots out of the 1oos that get posted everyday, well that's good enough for me. If someone leaves a comment that's just extra gravy!

Don't get discouraged. I just looked at some of you album and think you are very talented. Don't fret too much about getting applause from others, just focus on taking the best shots you can. The accolades will follow just the same.
March 30th, 2012
you obviously enjoy taking photos, so don't give up just because you don't get as many comments/views anymore, only give up if you truly don't want to continue with your photography project. Like other people are saying there are a lot less comments these days - i started in January and got 70 + views per day on my photos, but now I get around 20. I think my photography has got better, but just think that everyone is getting busier, and just don't have the time to comment or look at photos like they used to.

I do find that I just don't get all the photos the people I follow post in my newsfeed....I often see a photo on the PP or suggestions page is by one of the people i follow and I just haven't seen it. That may be case for your photos.

You are talented, it would be a shame for people not to be able to see your photos...
March 30th, 2012
There are waves of activity on this site, it slows down, it gets crazy busy, it slows down, etc. Just ride it out and continue to do your project for yourself. Get experimental with your shots, the more you learn about what you like, the more confident you'll be in your shots. And it'll show.
March 30th, 2012
I noticed a big drop in participation during the last couple of weeks. I figure it is spring fever. Now that the weather is warm, everyone has better things to do than hang on the computer 24/7. I've also seen some of this year's newbies disappear completely. The newness has worn off and they are off to another adventure.

This is a good time to try something new or to realize that the person you are taking the photos for is you!

Hope things pick up for you. You have a nice variety of photos!
March 30th, 2012
@amoment I hope you don't quit, Jessica. It's hard when you don't get feedback, but people get busy, go on vacation, have emergencies, etc.

Right now I follow too many people to check on each day. Recently I went back and caught up with a person I was following and it gave me a wonderful insight into her life and art that I might not have gotten viewing her work one photo per day.

Basically, I do this project to work on my own skills, to get inspiration from others' work and to experiment in a supportive community. I hope you'll stay with 365!
March 30th, 2012
@johnnyfrs @tracywilliams @cromwell @sharonaddison @pwallis @swguevin @eudora -- thank you all for the words of encouragement!!!
March 30th, 2012
I think you should decide what you want out of your project? What is your goal? Then decide if you project is not accomplishing that, see if you can change things so that it will. I don't get any comments on many of my photos, but that's okay. It's not what I'm here for.

Your album is very, very nice, btw.
March 30th, 2012
No don't quit, well not for that reason alone. You shouldn't be doing the project for comments on here, do it for you.
March 30th, 2012
I know, you guys are all right. It should be for me. I guess I was just blown away when I was getting comments at first and now I'm not. Sort of made me feel like I was getting worse. Thanks for the encouragement, really.
March 30th, 2012
@swguevin well put Shelia...
March 30th, 2012
I agree with're doing this for you!!! Don't give up. I almost did too, but I stuck with it and finished a few weeks ago. It feels great to accomplish the 365!
March 30th, 2012
@amoment I understand completely...we are all experiencing a lull in feedback and in my case I suffer from no time so a lot of my own lull is the fact I just find it hard to keep up on commenting on others projects as much as I wish...I even thought about quiting and took two months off and then suffered lack of taking photo's blues...I find that my break made me realize that I love taking photo's and to be honest I love feedback but its really not why I do it...I just do it for the love of it...and now expanded my project into my Facebook....I love all my 365 friends and am finding it easier just to express myself and feel like my photography has been revolutionized by just doing it for me and sharing what I love with others with no strings attached...don't give have your best photo's ahead of you....for you...and why you do what you do
March 31st, 2012
i think it's realistic to go through these periods. i've only been around for a few months, but already i feel it at times too. going out and shooting every day takes a lot of energy especially if you work full time, and have other commitments. some days, and even some weeks are bound to be full of crap. i'm totally okay with this. for me this project was about being creative every day, but also seeing something until the end. since i am notorious for starting projects and not finishing them! if you are not getting the feedback you want, you can certainly ask in the forum or some of your followers for it i think.
March 31st, 2012
I disagree you are a great photographer. I honestly look forward to seeing your photos everyday. You are one of the best in my opinion. You capture the most wonderful photos. I honestly don't think you could take a bad photo if you tried. Keep up the great work.
March 31st, 2012
You are doing this project for yourself. When you finish it, it is your accomplishment. So does it really matter if no one comments? You only need one supporter - yourself :) Good luck!
March 31st, 2012
I hardly got any comments the first time I started this last summer, but its not a reason to get discouraged. I tell myself that it is obvious that there are a lot more people on here that take way more beautiful pictures than I could ever imagine, but that doesn't mean you're not good! Like Marie said, do this for yourself. At the end of the year, you'll be proud that you didn't quit even when things got tough and it will be great looking back and remembering all the times you took these pictures.
That being said, I'm going to follow you and spam you with comments!
April 8th, 2012
Thanks for posting your question as I was feeling the same way! I just happened upon this post and decided to read it. I feel much better that I did, as I have put up a couple of shots recently that hardly got looked at but I thought was some of the best I have ever taken! wow what a let down it was! I re-thought about why I was doing this project and competition is not one of them. When I looked back at my past months i was so please at the way it so accurately represents my world and it is forcing me to pick up my camera and be creative and as a result I am getting great memories! Don't give up, be a inspiration to all of us sometimes flagging 365ers! I am going to follow you too!
April 8th, 2012

I am really glad you stopped by and saw my post. I still do get a little discouraged, but I keep remembering all the things everyone has said about why I'm doing this project. And I really do what to be able to look back with pride that I did complete the project. i feel like I am challenging myself to take better shots now...and even think sometimes a few of them should be on the PP page before other shots I see. But I'm over it, if they make PP, they make big deal..that's not why I am doing this after all :)
April 8th, 2012
i'm just back after a break of 4 months! like you after not much of a start on the project i gave up, now i'm back and i'm gonna try to do it just for doing it ... i'm going to use my phone to take pics rather than always insisting my uploads come from a DSLR and rather than trying to have artistic photos i'm just gonna upload one representation of my day, every day! here's hoping i'll stick at it this time and eventually have 365 photos to look back over in a few months! :)
April 12th, 2012
hi jessica I looked at your project your photo are very good keep taking PHOTO
I love takeing photos my friend put me on to 356 project it gave me another venyou for my photo, I have all so joined our local cramera club, and face book.
I been lucky to take the photo for the local yacht club.
don't give up .
April 26th, 2012
I'm in a lull too. Work is busy and spring has brought on more tasks. I think the challenges that are in the works will be good to get me thinking outside the box.
April 27th, 2012
Love this site. Really for me it is about personal gain and about picking up my camera every single day. I can already see I have improved and am using settings on my camera that I would have shied away from months ago. I don't so much worry about followers or even the amounts of comments. I spend time looking at other peoples work and learning from all the info available. I also have a little box of 'things to photograph when I have no inspiration'. Maybe I'm going nuts!!!!
May 1st, 2012
"I feel your pain." It's great to get the feedback, and near impossible to occasionally compare how many, and what kind of feedback you're getting with what other people are getting, or what you've gotten in the past. The Desiderata comes to mind. Look it up if you haven't seen it before. There will always be folks with more and fewer comments, with more finely refined skills, etc. If I just posted my "best stuff" you'd be seeing about 7 shots a year. Daily is a special kind of challenge and requires a real leap of faith to continuely put yourself out there; good , bad and indifferent. Keep at it. That's what this family is for!
May 4th, 2012
I think that if you're doing this just to get feedback, it's the wrong reason... I'm using this website simply to organize the photos, and keep track of it all -- and I like the calendar view. Feedback is just an added bonus! Don't give up the project -- I did last year and regretted it.
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