What to focus on?

March 31st, 2012
I'm looking for some input on this photo and what I should have focused on. I chose the reflection as I thought that was the most interesting for me at the time. Perhaps I should have left the flower out?

Thanks for the input.

March 31st, 2012
I think because of the way the flower is leaning, it draws my eye out of the photo which is not what you want.
March 31st, 2012
Yes I think the flower is somewhat distracting.
March 31st, 2012
I think if you had the flower a little more to the left to give it some space there on the right and focused on that, with the rest of the scene in soft blur in the background, it'd look pretty good.
March 31st, 2012
I think if the flower were facing into the picture and was a bit more out of focus, then the focus (if you will) would definitely be on the reflection of the man.
Other option would have to been to move the flower out of the frame for the picture and then move it back.
April 1st, 2012
I agree, the flower is facing the wrong way. It kinda cramps up the rest of the photo. However, I think the focus should be on the man's face.
April 1st, 2012
My eye is drawn to the flower and the man so I would say either one however I find people to be more interesting than flowers.
April 1st, 2012
Hmmm I think the fact that the man seems to be mirroring the flower is kind of interesting actually!
April 1st, 2012
@jonesp @miley89 @mikehamm @bobfoto Thank you for the words of wisdom. I hope to try this again, with any flowers facing into the shot rather than out. I was hoping the man wouldn't notice I was taking a photo rather than the direction of the flower. I was using my iPhone, so still learning how to focus and perhaps I need some different apps. I did take a couple of shots without the flower, but the man was in a different spot and out of focus so those didn't work either.
April 1st, 2012
@pwallis Interesting. Centering the flower? or more on the left side? In any case, I will try those too. Thank you for the feedback.
April 1st, 2012
@jaimeratchford Thank you so much for the critique.
@tamsg4 Didn't really notice that either. Thanks so much!
April 1st, 2012
@anndee not centering, but just giving it a bit more room to breathe on the right side - only a tiny bit though. Sharp focus on the flower on the foreground and everything else in nice soft focus. Interesting to see all the different answers to this. Just goes to show all the completely different styles on here:)
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