baby photo, how to improve

April 3rd, 2012

hey everyone, looking for more critique :-) My friend lent me her newborn to practice on today, i took a million photos of her. how can i improve on this photo for next time?

The only flash i have is on the camera which is crap, Ive not used a flash but to get a bit more light a used a piece of cardboard with dull aluminium foil on it to reflect some more light. im not 100% happy with the focus, but its not terrible. i havent cropped it at all, i have lightened it just a little, is it too much?

anyother tips and tricks? thanks in advance :-)
April 3rd, 2012
I would turn it black and white and turn the exposure up and the lighting/highlights up, it will soften the picture
April 3rd, 2012
I find I get get a more even light by using a pocket mirror to reflect the on-camera flash behind me so it bounces off a wall. Similar idea to lightscoop (google it), but cheap. I did it with the photo below in a fairly dimly lit room, so I have to brighten it a bit afterwards, but it made a massive difference.

I like what you've done with this photo, think the focus is lovely, but would perhaps have liked there to be less shadow over the eyes.
April 3rd, 2012
I would suggest using soft focus filters like the Paint the Moon actions. Take a look...
April 3rd, 2012
I think your lighting is absolutely perfect, i use all natural lighting for all of my work, I just edited it afterwards
April 3rd, 2012
Nice. I think you have done an excellent job with the lighting.

As you already mentioned the focus is off and the image needs a lot of work in post to clean up the skin and bring the arms into the same colour tone as the face.

There is flaking skin and some spots on the face I would clean up.

While I dont photography newborns a good friend of mine does so I have spoken to here a lot about her photos. And the biggest thing she said was to be patent.

When she does a shoot it will take around 3 hours, getting the child into position with only about 40 minutes of that 3 hours actually shooting. She only uses natural light and her work is fantastic.

Its also all about positioning the child in an interesting way to bring out facial expressions that are not really there.

Have a look here:

Have a look at some of the positions she has as the are really interesting.
April 3rd, 2012
Some advice I have read somewhere on 365 ages ago, which I think works as a general rule, is to not shoot up a baby's nostrils, so a slight change of angle when you take a shot like this. It is such a sweet photo, lovely lighting :)
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