Nikon D200 Question

April 7th, 2012
I have a Nikon D200 and am finding that my images are no longer clear and sharp. I purchased this camera new when they first came out and have used it pretty much every week since. I have the file settings at the highest setting and have had he sensor cleaned but it is not helping. I know everything has a lifespan and wonder if this might be what has happened to my camera. Is there a general rule for the number of shots you can capture before your sensor says it's just too tired to do any more? If so what would you suggest as a replacement?

Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions.
April 7th, 2012
You need to post up some samples of the issues you're having. I'd also try a few different lenses to see if the problem is with the lens. There could be an issue with the auto focus motor and all the images could just be slightly out of focus. Maybe try some tripod shots at F8 - F16 of non-moving subjects to see if you can get a clear / sharp image that way.

Usually the shutter fails before the sensor. But if you're going to update, the D7000 is a great little camera for the money.
April 7th, 2012
@k1w1 Is your problem occurring with multiple lenses?
April 7th, 2012
@bradleynovak I have tried two different lenses and the same issue is happening.

@sudweeks I have images in my 365 album but can post a couple here. I have tried some shots with a tripod of non moving things and since I posted this question I have now started to get an error message at times when shooting. It just flashes err in the display so I am not sure what the error really is. I will try a few shots today and see what happens.

Thanks to you both for taking the time to post.
April 8th, 2012
With the err message, there's a few things to try. Unmount and remount the lens, in case there's communication issues there. Try a different battery, or if you only have one, charge it up and put it back in. Try a different CF card, and format that card in the camera. Usually one of those things will clear the error.
April 8th, 2012

Thanks. After a process of elimination it seems that it is either writing to the card or the shutter. I have the battery on the charger now and I will pick up a new card tomorrow to try both of your suggestions. I was saving all shots as jpeg fine and raw. I am now only saving in one format and that seems to help too. Thanks again for your help and I apologize for posting this under the critique heading. Not sure how that happened.
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