I need your feedback

April 16th, 2012
Please give me your feed back!!
if i wanna be a better photographer , i need your opinion :)


on my facebook page :

April 16th, 2012
@canonbugs I went and looked at your project and I think is fantastic! I like the way you compose pictures, I like how you process them. I like your ideas! Just keep doing what you love, taking pictures :-) I can't give you critique, since I'm amateur myself :-)
April 16th, 2012
@canonbugs Just to let you know the link doesn't work. I think it's because it's at the start of the discussion so you may want to add it again now. As for your photos, well I think they're fab. I'm no professional but to my eye you are creative and as @zuzana says your composition and processing are both spot on. I'm now following you but it woul be nice to have a bit of info in your profile so we know a little bit about you x
April 16th, 2012
there's a lot of variety in your shots. you clearly explore your creativity and try out different ideas, which is great!!!

I noticed in some shots, you've overlayed a caption or a phrase onto the image, i think it would be a good exercise to try and express the idea through the photos without explicitly writing the words.

other than that, keep at it, you're doing very well.
April 16th, 2012
@zuzana Thank you so much!!! it means alot :)
April 16th, 2012
@psychographer Thank you! i hope i never disappoint you
April 16th, 2012
@scatochef I think you're right ;) I will put that in mind next time i shoot an idea ;)
April 16th, 2012
@canonbugs If you're planning to pursue photography professionally (or if you do already) I'd strongly consider changing your watermark now, to avoid potential copyright issues with Canon later. Especially if you use the image that you're using as your profile pic in any professional capacity (business cards, etc.) as it has their logo.

Sorry - I work in branding, marketing, etc., and literally can't help it. :)

Your photography is nice - I agree with @scatochef about the captions/phrases, but that's a matter of personal preference to me. :)
April 16th, 2012
@beautifulthing i think you're right!! but it would be a problem changing my name now!
Facebook won't allow me to change my page's name! and i think people knew me as Canon bugs!

Will try to figure it out !!
but you really are right :S Thanks!! :)
April 16th, 2012
@canonbugs It also (I'm sorry, but this is what I do for a living, and I promise I'll shut up soon) reads a little as though you're having a go at Canon - like, "Canon bugs", as in, Canon irritates you. I actually thought you were just a passionate Nikon user at first.
April 16th, 2012
@beautifulthing I'm a passionate canon user :D and we named it Canon Bugs because we stick to our canon cameras like a bug in a carpet! :D
and our bugs aren't ugly bugs :D they're lady bugs! :d
But you're 100% right!! ;)
April 17th, 2012
@beautifulthing @canonbugs wow, if i decide to go pro, i'll name myself "Leica Pro" BOOM! thank you, i'll be here all week.
April 17th, 2012
@scatochef I would TOTALLY buy that. Probably. Maybe. :)
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