Purple Haze

May 23rd, 2012
Anyone know how to remove the Purple Haze around some of the areas on this shot? I don't have PhotoShop (I know! I know!)

May 23rd, 2012
which program do you use?
May 23rd, 2012
you can do it with the curves tool in picmonkey, which is free.
May 23rd, 2012
download Lightroom for a free 30 day trial
You can control what colors stay in the shot or not. It's a great editing program! Very easy too.
May 23rd, 2012
Why would you want to remove the purple haze from the shot??

You are shooting into the sun. I have PSE 6,but I would be inclined to shift the colour balance, or adjust out the colour tint (the purple). Not knowing what the colour of the peddles are suppose to be, I would leave it alone. There are people who would spend a lot of time getting that colour into their pictures.

May 23rd, 2012
@jsw0109 @layahmarie I have Lightroom and also use PicMonkey online sometimes for ease...will look into curves and the color selection in Lightroom, thanks!
May 23rd, 2012
@byrdlip I love the shot, but the purple just seems to distract me
May 23rd, 2012
just my opinion, I love it, wouldn't change a thing!
May 23rd, 2012
I wouldn't change it either
May 23rd, 2012
I did a version for you where I did a "Remove color cast" about six to eight times on your picture. I did one where the frog got lost in the green. I will delete this version at your request.
May 23rd, 2012
I wouldn't change a thing - it's a cracking picture and any purple in it certainly doesn't detract from the over all image.
May 23rd, 2012
@byrdlip Thanks, I did a few and I think everyone is right, the purple is there and I need to concentrate on the fact that I got the focus where I wanted it and got the shot! :)
May 23rd, 2012
June 5th, 2012
@byrdlip subtle difference but It does make the frog stand out a bit more.
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