Feedback Needed Please

June 4th, 2012

I need a little feedback on this picture as I'm considering entering it for an exhibition. I have a few other options, and was told to pick one image which will be exhibited. The other photographs are older and so I've had more time to think about them and see their faults/highlights, etc but this one is fairly new and I'm really undecided about it. In some ways I really like it but I'm not sure if it "says" enough. The colours are quite bland (which was intentional) but I'm not sure if it's really gallery-worthy. Your comments and opinions would be much appreciated! Fire away!

June 4th, 2012
By the way, it's film but for some reason the information used in the side panel bit is from another of my photographs in the same file as this one. This was taken with a Canon A1 :)
June 4th, 2012
Is there a theme to the exhibition? I quite like this, though have you cropped it? I would have composed it with the subject more to left, shot slightly farther away to have a white space thing going on to the right.
June 4th, 2012
@38mm There is a theme, it's called "For the Love Of The Mundane," same as the project, and so I was feeling this one purely because it reflect the theme well, at least in my opinion. I haven't cropped it, which is annoying as I see your point and would like to improve the composition and get the rule of thirds down but it as a totally spontaneous shot and I wasn't planning on using it for anything. Thanks for your input and for following :)
June 4th, 2012
@mollyrosechase No worries, it fits the brief of the exhibition which sounds like my kind of thing BTW. I would still enter it, it either gets accepted and Yay, or it doesn't and its Oh well.
June 4th, 2012
I love the idea of it :) I agree, I'd like to see it zoomed out and with a bit more white space :)
June 4th, 2012
I like it. The only thing that is bugging me is that black spot on the wall.....
June 5th, 2012
Ditto on the black spot. It's a little distracting since it's the only part of the wall that isn't white paint. I don't like that it just barely cuts off his hair - more white space around would be good, but I'd be OK with a closer crop, too, where it's obvious that cutting off the hair was intentional.
I like how relaxed the subject is.
June 7th, 2012
I go back and forth with disliking the black spot and liking it. It does make the picture more "real". :-)
June 7th, 2012
@m9f9l @jawsnap @agima @pocketmouse thank you for all your feedback, it's much appreciated! i realise now that, yes, the composition is pretty weird, and with more care I would definitely have taken the time to get a better sense of the space around him. So, it turns out I entered a different picture which I took about a year ago but thank you so much because it was your feedback which helped me make the decision :) As for the little black spot, I quite like it myself, but I totally see why it would be annoying.
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