Would love some feedback and followers!

June 17th, 2012
I am an extremely amatuer photographer, however, I am debating taking a minor in photography. If anyone can help give me some feedback and advice on how to get more views and followers, please let me know!
Note: I apologize as well for my camera, I'm saving up for a new one as well (:
June 17th, 2012
@haileyrenee316 Following :) ...and don't apologize for your camera, it's what ya do with it that counts! (Not that getting a cooler one isn't worth it - I'm at that point myself!)
June 17th, 2012
After looking through your album for a minute, I can say you are not "extremely" amateur; there are some great shots in there.

A couple of things. You haven't "Faved" any pictures on 365... this is one way to gain followers; if they feel you like their work, they will watch your's as well. Faving photos is also a way to challenge yourself. Fave that great flower shot you saw on someone's page so you can go back to it later and figure out how you can do the same thing.

Also, you aren't following some of the most active people on 365 (my apologies to those you DO follow, no offense). The people you see most often in the topics, participating in discussions, starting discussions, participating in challenges (not just the "weekly" one Ross posts, there are MANY). Following these people, and following people that these people follow is a HUGE benefit to how you meet people that will make you a better photographer.

Finally, you need to participate in things; discussions, contests, giving feedback to other people, stuff like that. "Hailey Asmussen" is a unique name that will stick in people's minds; if they see enough of it they will remember you and give you a follow.

And one side note: your tags shouldn't have a "#" in them; that will just take you to the "tag search" engine. If you use "#cat" it get's you nowhere, but if you use "cat" it will take you to every other photo tagged with "cat"

And your camera is absolutely fine, nothing wrong there :)

Good luck!
June 17th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Great Advice Aaron!!
June 17th, 2012
Well done for branching out and you are on the road to self discovery as you are looking. :)

The same for what Aaron said. Follow be active and ask questions. If you see a photo that you like, ask how it was made, ask for tip and tag people that you want advice from in your comments. Its all about being active and being part of the community.

Good luck and keep on that path of discovery..

June 17th, 2012
After what @grizzlysghost said I have nothing to add xDD He has lot of exprience, so I just shut up my mouth xD

Only one thing to say: if you want to grow, have comments, visits...start searching people, comment their shots (try to do in a good way, trying to learn, not just to let them know that you exist).
Good luck!! And continue taking shots :)
June 17th, 2012
I suggest writing a small profile. Some people like to see that. This reminds me: I need to update my profile. I think all of the above advice is great. Have fun with photography!
June 17th, 2012
I notice you have more followers than people you are following. If you follow and comment on others work you admire you will likely get people following and commenting back. I like to check the recently uploaded and poplular pages for pics that inspire me.
June 17th, 2012
following you now....you have some cool shots! :D
June 17th, 2012
Thank you everyone so much! This is all very helpful, I don't know a whole ton about this site! I appreciate all the information and the followers I've gotten today! Thanks again, it will all be put into consideration!
June 18th, 2012
Thanks everyone for the advice in this thread. I too am quite amateur-ish and trying to improve. Just randomly decided to read this and glad I did!
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