I want your critique of my photos

June 20th, 2012
I am looking for more followers and comments constructive on how I can get better at my art. I am new to the arena of photography and I'm learning everyday, but I am really looking for feedback of the images I have placed on this site. So far the feedback has been rather limited. Is there anyone interested in being honest and provide input.
June 20th, 2012
OK but please reciprocate, especially if you have photo techniques or suggestions.
June 20th, 2012
Your photos are not bad at all! I was having the same issue with getting followers and I'm still on an endless hunt. But, i was given some great advice to get involved with other people and follow others. People give more advice when it is reciprocated. The only advice I have to give you is take more pictures! There is a lot of holes in your project, and I really enjoyed your work and would love to see more! You have my follow!
June 20th, 2012
Yes I would love to.. I am new as well! Would love the same :)
June 20th, 2012
The best way to get more followers and comments is to follow comment and fav other people, many people, myself included, will comment and follow on those that follow and comment on their projects. Its very reciprocal around here. Photos from the people you follow will appear on your home page.
June 20th, 2012
If you want more followers then follow more people!! And most of us are trying to do a pic a day so we follow each other ...if you miss days you may be easily forgotten because your pics will not show up on the home page frequently enough! Join in have fun and dont be hard on your self this is your project..i am only giving you tips i know that work! :) If you want critique include that in your discription..with every photo! that may help! but the best thing you can do is follow and leave comments on others photos!!
June 20th, 2012
You have some excellent photos uploaded, and show remarkable technical ability for someone new to photography.

I have added some comments to some of your photos -- remember that there are no right or wrong answers in photography, so please ignore them if you think I'm talking out of my hat (I usually am). If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them :)
June 20th, 2012
Cliff, I am almost halfway through ,y project and have learned SO much here...none of us have the free time we would like to comment on lots of photo, but what the others have said is very true...follow and many will follow back. Your photos get lost unless they are on someone's Home Page (by following you) or in a discussion/challenge thread. Go look here: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions
Find something that looks interesting and enter, you will learn something and get exposure
June 20th, 2012
Wow!! Thank you for the comments... Just what the doctor ordered, great advice and tips and very much appreciated. Keep them coming.
June 20th, 2012
OH and Cliff....Tag Your Photos! (just not like @ggg) :D
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